51 Recruitment put around them to enable this ?
It ’ s a balancing act ; an employer needs someone who wants to take that step up , but they shouldn ’ t forget that the candidate will need their support to do it . If the training isn ’ t there to enable this step and further steps , then the employee will not feel supported and will leave .
It ’ s not about being ‘ honest ’, it ’ s about ensuring that everyone understands the key question : why would anyone leave where they are now to come and work at that company ?
If the employer can ’ t answer that question , then they are setting themselves up to fail .
To gather these insights , a company needs to ask their teams : Why do they stay ? How do we excite you ? Why are we an attractive workplace ? Why are we a career of choice ? Ask the new recruits : Why did you choose to work with us ? Could we have done something better in the recruitment process ? How could we have made your life easier ? All this helps with retention because if a new recruit joined a company because they ’ d had a good experience , because they felt wanted and also because they feel that the company is going to support them , then that ’ s a huge chunk of the retention done .
Match making
Once they have these reasons , an employer should incorporate these traits right through the recruitment process ; into their job adverts , job descriptions and their interviews , and make sure they are communicating these factors to every interested candidate so that they come along enthused and really looking forward to being interviewed .
Employers tend to go into job interviews thinking : ‘ I ’ m interviewing you for a job ’, rather than : ‘ I ’ m looking at whether we ’ re a match for you as well ’. What happens though is the interviewer simply asks competency-based questions , or tells the interviewee about the operational side of the role . The interview is the place to make sure the candidate ’ s aspirations line up with those of the company , ensuring that they have the infrastructure , and the business plan to support the employee . The interview is a match-making exercise so everyone needs to be aware of what both parties need and can offer – for the long term . This will have a huge impact on attrition and retention .
An interviewer needs to understand what the candidate is looking for and what they want to do . Not to ask ‘ Where do you see yourself in five years ?’ But to ask about which skills they ’ d like to develop and which parts of the role interests them the most . To focus on emotional intelligence ; to actively listen and find out the future needs and wants of the candidate , and what they will need help with .
The other big mistake that every interviewer makes is to hire someone because they get on well . This happens a lot and I for one can testify that a great personality that everyone likes doesn ’ t always translate into a great hire . My advice is don ’ t hire for personality , hire for aspirations and added value for all parties .
Retention needs to be part and parcel of your recruitment process ; all your interviewing , all your appraisals , all your one to ones , all your team meetings , all your conferences , all your staff away days . Recruitment can be boiled down to three parts : attraction , selection , and retention . If an employer gets the first two right , then retention is so easy as it simply just falls in to place . CN www . conference-news . co . uk