Conference News October 2020 | Page 18

18 Cover Story



55100 ack in July I wrote a piece entitled ‘ Why has the events industry been left behind ’, and it seemed to resonate . Indeed , some 17,000 of you read it . The thrust of the piece was that the events industry is not correctly administrated by Companies House , and in short , many businesses that operate in the UK ’ s world of events are assigned elsewhere . The net result being that , in black and white on the paper before them , in the eyes of HM Treasury and Office for National Statistics ( ONS ), the events industry does not exist … in the way we say it does .
The £ 70bn value figure that we use to articulate the size of the industry is the result of some Herculean research , and not a figure awarded to us by central Government .
Social media is awash with comments lamenting the Government ’ s failure to fully recognise the industry and its value , especially as Brexit is back on the agenda .
While the short-term objective of our sector is to simply survive the Covid-19 pandemic , we must work towards developing a formal structure in the SIC code system in the medium-term . However , this presents a challenge . First of all , we must have a full set of SIC codes . At present , of the 752 codes that exist , only three directly link to the events www . conference-news . co . uk