Conference News November / December 2020 | Page 55


Hannah Hamilton , financial services event manager and founder of London Events Co says face-to-face is crucial for financial services
t is widely accepted within the corporate world that you do business with people , not entities : relationships are key . Another shared concept is that 93 % of communication is non-verbal ( 55 % body language , 38 % voice and tone ) which can only be deduced during face-to-face interactions . I think we can all attest that virtual platforms such as Zoom and Teams have played a vital role in remaining connected , to an extent , in 2020 , however they are lacking ; there is something missing . These virtual interactions fall short of providing the non-verbal communication we need to build relationships . The ability to make small talk , get to know other individuals on a more personal and empathetic level which subsequently builds trust . In business , this trust , knowledge and personal connection plays a critical role .
I have delivered events for several high-profile , international financial services firms over my eight-year career and can attest to the power a strong relationship brings when it comes to doing business . I have seen this value in action in the relationships built during the networking session at the New Year Outlook Conference , or the business lunch ahead of a sponsored sporting event . These are connections that technology is not able to recreate ; where you really get to know your colleagues , meet new business prospects and re-establish relationships with existing clients . It ’ s easier than ever
Right : Hannah Hamilton , financial services event manager and founder of London Events Co
to connect Corporate column to people , but real value comes from connecting with people which is where the importance of the live event environment lies . Live events allow a business to look their clients in the eyes , feed questions , feel their response and create a human connection .
As crucial for business success is the ability to activate your brand and show current and prospective clients who you really are as a business . A pre-pandemic report from Bizzabo established that live events were the most effective marketing channel to drive key business objectives with respondents ranking experiences as being far superior to digital marketing or virtual . A live event has the ability to engage all the senses , to bring a brand to life and leave delegates with a strong sense of your business personality . Experiences are far more memorable and meaningful to delegates and leave a lasting impression and level of engagement which a virtual setting simply can ’ t imitate .
Live events go hand-in-hand with business strategy , development and ultimately success due to the power of physical connection . Not only do they contribute £ 84bn to the UK economy but 85 % of business leaders from B2B firms believe in- person events are critical for achieving business goals . We need live events for businesses to thrive . www . conference-news . co . uk