Conference News November 2022 | Page 5

5 Editor ’ s Letter


was at home making an afternoon coffee when Rishi Sunak was announced to be the new PM , while it ’ s not a moment I ’ m likely to remember for the duration of my life , it ’ s stuck in the brain for now at least .
The main reason is that my phone summarily exploded due to the influx of texts , LinkedIn messages , email , smoke signals , messenger pigeons and just about any other form of communication , about the appointment . Many of which were resurfaced clips of less-than-flattering quotes from the new PM , many more of which were speculation on how this will impact events .
It got me thinking , there ’ s quite a lot of very important hurdles for people , not just events , in the present . Cost of living is rising , there ’ s an energy crisis , a war in Ukraine , but the main piece of news I was getting in my feed was the PM talking about how he was mocked by his friends for owning a Peloton ( whatever that is ).
My point is , it ’ s easy to get caught up in the squabbles of the powers that be , but these issues aren ’ t going away unless we turn our focus to making real world change . That means not forgetting about rising costs , sustainability , DEI and the like .
As you might imagine , writing an issue about government over the past month or so has been a challenge to say the least . No less than two of the pieces in this publication were subject to sudden re-writes , fortunately we ’ ve got a great community of contributors who all pulled together to give us their two cents on the new PM .
We ’ re not only talking new government , however , this issue also contains : projections on Protect Duty ; reports from both Anthropy and the Business of Events ; an events view on energy price caps ; among many other insights into the events industry ’ s relationship with government . CN
Cameron Roberts Editor Conference News www . conference-news . co . uk