Conference News November 2021 | Page 19

19 Big Interview about four years ago based on the slightly stretched convention , but not untrue , that Scotland invented everything . So , we have taken Journey to Change in a different direction . Journey to Change emphasises how business events can create social and economic progress . Progress is a good word because it ’ s never-ending . Change is what we need to declare business events to do . Now I think the challenge for the sector is to somehow follow through and prove how they do that .
MF : What can other destinations learn from Scotland in this campaign ?
NB : I think what we have done and what other countries can learn from us , is just to be very clear about the distinction between convention bureaux at a city level and at a national remit level . When we add in Journey to Change and the Policy Driven Model , they could open a whole raft of opportunities that hotels and venues didn ’ t know existed . There are all sorts of ways that corporations could achieve their corporate social responsibility ( CSR ). It ’ s about demonstrating the opportunity to people within the sector .
Right when we went into the pandemic , as a sector , nobody truly understood what we went through or what we did . We were part of an obscured , misunderstood sector called events .
We were the least visible part because nobody could understand where we began and ended . As a sector , we must emerge and say we are not just a big conference . We are bringing desirable tourism ; we are not just a contributor to over-tourism . As a sector , not just in Scotland , we need to pull together once and for all .
MF : What does it mean for Scotland to host COP26 ? NB : COP26 has the ability to put Glasgow the map . I think for www . conference-news . co . uk