Conference News learns how the Pylon One team helped Identity execute COP26
ue to the possible challenges of the event , such as the Scottish Event Campus ’ ( SEC ) large campus and Covid-19 travel restrictions , the design and planning of COP26 began in April , while the team ’ s onsite work commenced in August – leaving ample time for any onsite alternations before October . Approximately 30 Pylon One engineers worked across the SEC to ensure COP26 had both wired and wireless networking , allowing the 120 global leaders to share and exchange knowledge .
To achieve this , the team managed 8,000 switch ports ; installed 21km of optic cable and 120km of copper network cable and ensured there were 600 wireless access points , as well as four 10Gbps of bandwidth . Pylon One also provided 600 laptops to deliver a site-wide print solution .
To help with its onsite network delivery , Pylon One partnered with IT and networking brand CISCO systems , who helped the Pylon One team deliver and install over $ 5m (£ 3.9m ) of equipment . In addition , Vodafone supported the testing and operation of Wi-Fi for COP26 .
A sustainable approach
The primary topic of COP26 was , of course , sustainability , and Pylon One needed to embed this value into its delivery . Therefore , the Pylon One team ensured that all of
“ While the events industry is moving towards becoming more sustainable , what has changed is the requirement and ability to quantify and report on real sustainability goals and the impact of the event in real world terms .” John Houchin , director , Pylon One
its equipment and cabling were either reused , recycled or maintained as legacy by the SEC .
John Houchin , director , Pylon One , said : “ Sustainability was a key factor in the planning , across all delivery areas . From small changes such as limiting air travel , right up to working with the electricity provider to deliver renewable energy to the event site . Identity contracted Event Cycle to monitor and manage this element of the event and we worked closely with them on our areas of the event delivery .”
He added : “ While the events industry is moving towards becoming more sustainable , what has changed is the requirement and ability to quantify and report on real sustainability goals and the impact of the event in real world terms . This will become more important and working with sustainability specialists such as Event Cycle will become normal and not just on the larger projects ,” he added . CN www . conference-news . co . uk