Conference News May 2021 | Page 41


Robert Kenward , Fitability ® recruiter at YOU Search and Select , and chief cheerleader of The Hub , looks at salary negotiation
Above : Recruitment expert Robert Kenward do with the Recruitment salary you are currently on , it ’ s where you want your next step to take you .
Know your worth
You have to know your worth before you negotiate and know what your ‘ walk away ’ number is , and what you ideally want . Look at Glassdoor to find out the average salary for the role . If the role has a salary bracket , tell your interviewer that you are at the top end of the bracket because it ’ s up to the company to negotiate you down and to explain why they wouldn ’ t pay you that salary .
Ask about the difference
Ask your interviewer what the difference is – in skills and experience – between the top and the bottom end of the salary bracket . They should be able to explain this to you .
Don ’ t waste your time
41 alary negotiation is a huge topic and one I ’ m always asked about . I thought I ’ d share some advice on how to secure the salary you deserve .
No salary bracket , no interview
You shouldn ’ t be formerly interviewed without knowing the salary bracket of the role you are applying for . I recently asked my LinkedIn community if they would apply for a position if the job advert didn ’ t quote a salary . Of the 241 votes , 23 % said they wouldn ’ t apply , 28 % would apply and they weren ’ t bothered by it , but a whopping 48 % said that although they would apply , they would remember , and it would negatively impact on their opinion of the company .
Don ’ t tell the interviewer your current salary
You don ’ t have to do this and in most US states it is actually illegal to ask a candidate for their current salary for gender and D & I purposes . This practice actually reinforces the pay gap and will lead to employers paying what they can rather than what the role deserves .
Tell them your salary bracket
This is a fair question but don ’ t give a number , tell them the salary bracket you are looking for . This is nothing to
Don ’ t apply for a role that is way out of your league . If you are going for a job with a huge salary increase , ask yourself if it ’ s because you have been unfairly paid in the past , or that your skills and experience aren ’ t up to that level yet . Aiming high is great , but aiming wrong isn ’ t .
Consider the current terrain
If the salary offered is lower than you ’ d like , consider that it could be because the company doesn ’ t currently have the funds . Negotiate and ask if you could have specific KPIs that if delivered against in the next year would take you , as a trade-off , to a higher number than your current salary expectations .
At the end of the day , remember : recruitment isn ’ t a power struggle . It should be two humans talking to each other , and if one doesn ’ t respect the other then you both should walk away . www . conference-news . co . uk