60% of event suppliers
fear collapse
Events can kick-start
economy, says minister
The Events Industry Board, the government’s
advisory body, held a conference call with Nigel
Huddleston, the minister for Sport, Tourism and
Heritage, 30 March, to discuss the impact of
Covid-19 and to start considering a recovery
The minister acknowledged that Covid-19
presented the industry with significant
challenges, but also recognised the potential of
the events industry and said it was an
important part of the UK’s future.
It was noted the government should use the
events industry as a catalyst to ‘kick-start’ the
economy after the crisis. Members noted that
major international events can provide
significant inward trade and investment
opportunities in key sectors and shape
international perceptions of the UK.
Minister Huddleston actively encouraged
members to continue to communicate their
concerns and recommendations through
industry trade bodies. Further meetings are
Sixty percent of the UK’s events industry’s supplier base
is facing collapse within three months, unless event
businesses receive further support from the government,
according to an online survey carried out by the Events
Industry Forum (EIF) and Business Visits and Events
Partnership (BVEP) and co-ordinated by the Production
Services Association (PSA).
Of the 1,490 businesses surveyed from all sub-sectors
of the events industry between 3-7 April, 6% say they are
unlikely to survive until the end of April as a result of the
impact of Covid-19.
According to the survey, only 1% of respondents have
been successful in applying for the government’s
Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme.
It has also been revealed that despite the chancellor of
the exchequer indicating in the House of Commons that
event organisers and the supply network behind them
should be eligible for leisure and hospitality business
support grants, according to the survey most which have
applied have been turned down by local authorities, which
are running the scheme.
The business events sector has seen 74% of all
conferences and exhibitions postponed to the last quarter
of 2020, with the remainder cancelled altogether.
The total number
of extra beds the
NHS now has
available to treat
patients suffering
the effects of
Covid-19. Most of
this bed space is
to be found in
event venues.
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