Conference News March 2022 | Page 9

9 Association view the Plan B restrictions lifted and are seeing enquiries increasing 20 % week-on-week as demand mounts , which is really positive news .

However , what we have got to do is continue to preach the confidence message and demonstrate far and wide that it is safe to attend professional business meetings and events and our AIM Secure accreditation has a key role to play in that .
AIM Secure ensures that those venues who have achieved the enhanced quality standard have 24 very specific health and safety protocols in place – helping to provide that much needed reassurance to nervous bookers .
The importance and value of AIM Secure in assisting our recovery is huge . As a result , continuing to raise awareness and growing the number of venues who have successfully achieved AIM Secure is a huge priority for the mia over the coming months . We ’ re already having discussions with destinations to make their bureaux members AIM Secure – so event planners will then be able to easily book an AIM Secure destination .
Similarly , we are also busily working behind the scenes on AIM Small Venues – an accreditation that is still focused on health , safety and quality – but has been specifically designed for smaller business meeting and events spaces as they , of course , have very different needs to those with larger premises .
But we can ’ t do it all alone . To further boost confidence , we would like to see our sector being proactively supported by government messaging . Messaging that literally spells out and encourages people to go and meet . What we are calling for is a sector-specific message that actually references our industry as many don ’ t immediately think of business events when it is
“ We would like to see our sector being proactively supported by government messaging . Messaging that literally spells out and encourages people to go and meet ”
Kerrin MacPhie
encapsulated into the broader hospitality term .
I will be using my regular meetings and ongoing dialogue with the government ’ s Department for Digital , Culture , Media and Sport , as well as my role on the recently reformed Event Industry Board and my position on the Business Events Recovery Group , to champion that point as well as many others for the benefit of our sector .
Later this year we are hosting some major events , such as the Queen ’ s Platinum Jubilee and the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham , which will shine a global spotlight on the UK and all of its greatness .
Now is the time to harness the opportunity of our great events offering across our unique nations of England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland . It ’ s an opportunity to do things differently and take a fresh approach .
Through the stages and platforms that we expertly create in our diverse range of quality destinations and venues , we can firmly reignite the spotlight on the UK and our ability to showcase creativity and innovation .
Let ’ s not go back to how things were previously done but instead take a fresh , creative and collaborative approach as we look to the future . Together , we can make the UK the world meetings place for international business meetings and events . CN
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