Conference News March 2022 | Page 59

because they are working whilst their colleagues were made redundant , or feel guilty when made redundant and not be able to provide for their family . People stayed put because of guilt , but now that guilt is turning to anger and they are starting to think of themselves and their own needs . Relationships have been lost ; the people they used to go to the pub with are gone , the boss they really liked is gone ; the whole dynamic of a company they once loved has changed . So how do we handle this ?
Temperature check My advice to employers is do a temperature check .
Speak to your employees and have a few linear questions to ask them about the future , such as “ how do we improve things ?” and “ how could we attract new talent into the
business ?”. Do not ask them “ are you happy here ?” because no one is going to say “ no ”. You ’ ll be able to gauge their enthusiasm , dedication , and engagement by their answers . If they say , “ I don ’ t know ,” then that speaks volumes .
If they are gushing with ideas then listen to them . You can look back and ask questions such as “ what could we have done differently during the pandemic ?”, but you have to be prepared to hear the answers and act on them . More importantly , not just act on it , tell people you acted on it .
The way in which you communicated with your team during the pandemic will now be coming home to roost . If you were harsh and uncaring , lacking in communication , your actions will now find their consequences . But if you do a
“ Employers and recruiters are expecting many people to move jobs this year , but it will come as a shock when they realise that even the people who were fully employed through all this , still want to move on .”
temperature check , you will at least have some warning of what ’ s to come .
Check your happiness My advice to employees is ask yourself “ am I happy ?”.
Is this just a job or the next stage in your career ? Ask yourself “ why do I stay here ?”. If you can ’ t answer that question with at least four or five different things , then you may be in the wrong place . The grass may not always be greener , but if you ’ re incredibly unhappy where you are because of any of the reasons above , then the grass could very well be greener somewhere else .
As of this month , the UK is open , and that ’ s official . We ’ ll have a period of pinching ourselves to check that normality really has returned and then it will start . Resignations will start with a trickle and lead to a flood . CN
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