Conference News June 2020 | Page 19

19 Cover Story Banking on Change Banks have been playing hardball with events businesses, but are they right when client objectives are certain to change? Martin Fullard talks to SXS Event’s Johnny Palmer “We are a production AV company. We do everything from building stages and scaffolding, through to content and marketing strategies for live events,” Palmer tells me concisely. “The best way to describe us would be an agency, but all of our resources are in-house. “Most of our revenue is high level corporate, working for clients like IBM and Microsoft and working on events where those kinds of businesses are sponsors. We also get involved in product launches, and for fun we get involved with festivals to keep things fresh and creative. Our core business is typically around corporate, conferences, award shows, product launches, and broadcast-based experience.” Palmer adds that SXS Events operates overseas, too, and not just in the UK, and that he employs 25 full time staff. Before asking Palmer about the future, I ask him about the past. In 2019, I ask, did he think the industry was going virtual, and was he making plans with that in mind? “I always thought the industry was based on a lot of legacy habits and traditions,” he says. “I always felt over my 20-year career that people need to shake things up and look at things differently. One of the things I’ve been looking at is how do we make events less binary?