Brand experience agency Cheerful Twentyfirst took HomeServe ’ s global leaders conference to new virtual levels .
heerful Twentyfirst is a creative brand experience agency that specialises in strategic communications and audience engagement . its client , HomeServe , needed to reignite cross-region networking in their global leadership team in 2021 . A key objective was to deliver new thinking around the latest brand messaging : Good to Great , The HomeServe Way . The obstacle ? Engaging leaders from around the world when travel is out of the question .
Inspired by learning and adoption theory , Cheerful Twentyfirst designed a dynamic virtual leaders conference that opened doors for accessibility and the way audiences engage online . Through dedicated visual , auditory and kinesthetic touchpoints , the agency was able to engage every kind of learner and provoke audience collaboration on an untold scale .
Uniting multiple teams in multiple regions doesn ’ t just happen . After digging a little deeper to better understand the shared values across HomeServe teams , one thread came back : the teams were fiercely competitive . Creative development and event identity took influence from global cityscapes , a reflection of the global audience . The unique look and feel spilled into every facet of the experience : the centralised event website , the communications journey , the engagement breakouts , the content , even the physical studio set .
From a purpose-built studio , the US and UK co-hosts delivered strategic growth plans and key updates to the new brand handbook . Some 40 remote speakers were beamed in to enhance the conversational ‘ sports commentary ’ setting . Cheerful Twentyfirst helped presenters deliver their best performance with dedicated speaker coaching sessions prior to the event .
Getting gamified
The HomeServe audience connected with each other through gamified workshops , safe networking spaces and exceptional content . Cheerful Twentyfirst ’ s moving image division created 20 international films to drive home new messaging and take the HomeServe audience around the world . The digital team developed a beautiful , custom-coded online world , including integrating a bespoke fitness challenge that saw guests travel 6,500km for charity . To take teambuilding to the next level , international guests were launched into breakout rooms to brainstorm new ideas for business growth , with prizes awarded for the winning entry .
Compelling video content , clever pre-communications , interwoven
with live hosts and global workshops ; the networking features on the event platform practically caught fire .
More than 950 comments were recorded in the chat feed during the live event . Attendance saw an adoption rate of 95 % from registration to live event .
The conference was key to amplifying personal relationships within HomeServe . Engagement with the brand was rewarded , and content and messaging delivered through a human lens that allowed delegates to feel part of the story . Guests walked away with a newfound understanding of their role to play in the new strategy .
The event site will remain live for six months post-event so that the community can revisit the learnings , the new connections , the competitions and the fun . CN www . conference-news . co . uk