the business and with clients . Consider , what is it that you are offering them ? Why should they want to work for you ?
Be truthful , give them a ‘ warts and all ’ account of what it ’ s like to work for your company , even if that includes admitting that the aircon always breaks down in the summer or the hours can sometimes be long and unsociable . If you are truthful , you will ensure that employees join with their eyes wide open and are under no pretences . You will employ staff who add value and grow with the business , and not leave after six months because the rosy picture painted at the interview was actually a piece of fiction .
Your advert should not promote your brand , and it definitely should not waffle on about your company . I liken this sort of advert to going on a first date and your date blathering on about how great they are , instead of sharing their thoughts and anecdotes that allow you to make up your own mind .
In the same vein , an applicant doesn ’ t want to be told that your company is great , but instead allow them to discover it for themselves by telling them what you can offer the right person and what ’ s in it for them . It ’ s also ethical and sensible to include the salary or at least the salary bracket . This will help your applicants to decide if the job is right for them or not , but more importantly , save you and them valuable time . Let ’ s be honest , of course you have a budget or salary bracket in mind and that comes with a certain amount of knowledge and
experience Recruitment required . Candidate profile Think about the person you would like to attract and write a profile describing their personality , their culture and work ethic . Explain and be upfront about what the challenges and priorities are , and what parts of the role are going to be tough . You will get fewer applicants , but far better-quality ones , and that ’ s what you want because applicant attraction is not recruitment .
An applicant is different to a candidate . An applicant is someone who applies for a role , but a candidate is someone who is a potential hire . Anyone can apply for a job and become an applicant , but only the right people will turn into candidates . I could apply to be a model , but I certainly wouldn ’ t become a candidate .
The candidate experience The candidate experience should be considered from day one . This could be the first time a person experiences your brand , and you want to make a good impression . Treat applicants how you would like to be treated and consider all of the touch points they will have with your business then work out how you can make each one as good as it can be . Manage the recruitment process and set expectations . Tell applicants when you will get back to them and when interviews will be and then stick to your timescales . Treating people badly , through wilful neglect or simply bad management , will damage your brand . Put yourself in their shoes because empathy is a dying skill in recruitment , but it can make all the difference .
Careers page Do you have a careers page on your website ? You should , because not having one is setting yourself up for failure because it makes it look like you don ’ t care . The page should convey the company ’ s culture , values and branding ; here ’ s where you can show people that you are an employer of choice . www . conference-news . co . uk