Conference News February 2020 | Page 49

49 Show Preview face a daily struggle to achieve the basics we take for granted. Visit Grady Lee of Give to Get’s session at 2.50pm on 25 February and Peter Lindsay of o3e’s presentation at 10.50am in 26 February, both taking place on the keynote theatre, to understand how your events can create meaningful legacy. On the show floor Mental health On the show floor there are hundreds of exhibitors offering immersive ways with which to be engaged. Thirty percent of exhibitors in 2020 are new to the show. Have a go in Leisure King’s mobile escape room and build your own app in minutes with Spotsie. Get measured up for event success on the main bar, where GES will be offering a bespoke event tailoring, service or relax in the sanctuary of the Freeman VIP lounge with a barista coffee and some pampering. Time out is of course essential for over-stretched, pressurised event professionals and the subject of mental health within our industry is high on the agenda. Event Wellbeing Day, a joint initiative between EventWell and mental health charity MIND arrives this year 26 February and all event businesses will be invited to #TakeThePledge to join the employer programme in partnership with Time to Change 30% of exhibitors are new to Confex in 2020 (MIND) which currently has 1,300 businesses signed up. This is a free programme for employers which comes with 12 months support from Time to Change and a real opportunity for all event companies to take active steps to address mental health issues in our industry. Social Below: Networking at International Confex in 2019 Finally, International Confex is nothing if not social, and throughout the two days there will be hosted events taking place on the Mash Hub in the Association Village, on the main bar hosted by GES, and in the VIP lounge hosted by Freeman. If you’re an in-house association event planner or professional conference organiser, a CN30 under Thirty winner, a CN Agency Awards finalist, or an International Confex alumnus and you haven’t yet received your wristband, contact Liz Agostini on [email protected] to find out more. Register now at www.