Editor’s Letter
ince the beginning of January, I have chaired four
independent panel sessions, all loosely based on
trends for 2020. For me, though, there is one major
issue that needs addressing: security.
You may have heard about ‘Martyn’s Law’ in the news. For
those who don’t know, Martyn Hett was killed in the
Manchester Arena attack in 2017. Ever since, his mother,
Figen Murray, has been campaigning for the government to
implement tighter security at venues. I’m going to be blunt:
security at a lot of events I attend is almost non-existent.
The conversations I’ve had with both venues and organisers
suggests that each side wants the other to pay for it. It’s a
crass angle to the conversation, but it is one we must have
all the same. If you have strong views on this, I’d like to hear
from you. You’ll find my email at the bottom of p6.
Turning to this issue’s content, our cover story (p20)
makes for fascinating reading, especially if you’re a venue
struggling to get the most out of social media. Patch
Media’s Matthew Beech, who spoke at our Academic Venue
Conference in November, shares his tips and tricks for more
impactful social content.
One feature I particularly enjoyed writing this month was
our Sector Focus (p24). I can’t deny I am a car enthusiast, in
fact I was once a motoring journalist, so how the automotive
industry is viewed through the prism of events is rather
fascinating to me. As car makers move at pace to develop
clean, green vehicles, they need the events industry to keep
up with their evolving needs, and according to one specialist
agency, this isn’t happening.
Our Big Interview this month is Lex Butler, chair of the
HBAA. Butler talks about the association’s plans to evolve
with the times and remain relevant for its members.
For the HBAA and the automotive industry, it is evolution,
not revolution. The same is true for event security: don’t
think you need to start from scratch. Evolve your current
policies and measures. It starts by just asking questions.
Martin Fullard
Conference News