21 Column
Louisa Daley , deputy editor , Conference News , encourages eventprofs to step outside of their comfort zone in order to reach their full potential
his might sound cliché , but I really did fall into the industry . I joined Conference News on my placement year when studying at university , I never looked back . But , because I had no previous events industry experience , I ’ ve always felt like I ’ ve been winging it .
Therefore , staying in my comfort zone has always been , well , comforting . I ’ ve been afraid to take risks and put myself out there due to the fear of not getting it right .
But I ’ m writing this to remind you that there is no growth in your comfort zone , no matter your experience . As my mentoring programme Elevate encourages :
Above : Louisa Daley presents at the CN Global Event Tech Summit
“ you need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable .”
With the help from my mentors and managers , this is exactly what I ’ ve made my mission . To date , I ’ ve presented at large-scale industry events , chaired panel discussions and hosted roundtables with industry thought leaders .
Whilst it ’ s been scary , the immense feeling of achievement I felt afterwards was worth the temporary feeling of discomfort . From my experience , the more you do it , the smaller and more manageable that fear gets , because you have a ‘ memory bank ’ of times when you ’ ve made it through the other side and smashed it . Even if things don ’ t go completely to plan – it ’ s still not a failure . There are always valuable lessons to learn .
I know it ’ s easier said than done . So , in light of that , I want to share some things that I ’ ve been taught along the way , which have helped me go beyond my comfort zone , in the hope that it will help you too :
Cultivate a support system In times of distress , a trusted mentor , colleague , friend , or family member is invaluable . They can act as a soundboard for your ideas , be your very own cheerleader who can remind you of all of your successes , and of course , be a safe space and extinguish any self-doubt . Seek their guidance and lean on their support when and if necessary .
Be calm and confident Breath work really does calm your nerves and focus your mind , my favourite is the box method – ( inhaling deeply for four counts , and exhaling deeply for four counts ). According to social psychologist Amy Cuddy , “ our bodies change our minds .” Before you go beyond your comfort zone , try the ‘ superman / woman ’ pose – it helps you enter a new situation feeling more confident .
Practise makes perfect Being out of your comfort zone is scary because of the unknown . So , try and make sure you ’ re as prepared as possible . Watch videos , look at templates , practice in the mirror , whatever works for you . Not so it becomes rehearsed , but so it feels like second nature and you know exactly what you ’ re doing .
Reframe your thinking Try and turn your fear into excitement , your body truly doesn ’ t know the difference . Use the adrenaline rush to push yourself out of your comfort zone .
Now , this isn ’ t to say I ’ ve mastered stepping outside my comfort zone , or that I no longer get nervous before new opportunities , but I ’ m more willing to say yes . This ultimately , only makes a comfort zone smaller and smaller , and the possibility of growth bigger and bigger . CN www . conference-news . co . uk