Conference News Autumn 2023 | Page 10

10 Guest Editor ’ s Letter


ver wonder what truly makes a workplace or event stand out ? As a dedicated Diversity , Equity , Inclusion and Accessibility consultant , I ’ ve often found myself contemplating the essence of inclusivity and its impact on the spaces we inhabit . So , I ’ m thrilled that this issue is all about people and planet — topics close to my heart .
I tend to harp on about sober inclusion , but it ’ s worth repeating . Let ’ s challenge the notion that alcohol must be the heart and soul of every social gathering . By creating spaces that celebrate choice , we make everyone feel welcome and comfortable .
Tokenism ? Not on my watch ! There ’ s more to genuine inclusivity than just ticking boxes . It ’ s about embracing the diverse needs and experiences of all individuals , ensuring that every voice is heard , valued , and respected . In fact , tokenism is the nemesis of true inclusion . It is essential for workplaces and events to move beyond superficial representation and focus on genuine , meaningful inclusion . So , let ’ s encourage action and invite diverse perspectives to the table , allowing them to shape the narrative and direction of our industry .
Oh , and speaking of action , let ’ s address safeguarding practices in the events industry . There ’ s been a lot of talk around code of conducts and safeguarding practices in the events industry with little action , which is why I am excited to provide a little update around Diversity Alliance ’ s Safeguarding Against Sexual Harassment Charter , Safe Space . We are encouraging companies across the industry to join this movement and adopt the Safe Space pledge . Let ’ s walk the talk and make a real impact !
For me , this issue is a reminder to cherish and celebrate each person ’ s uniqueness . Together , we can inspire a more inclusive , respectful and vibrant events industry . CN
Gabrielle Austen-Browne Founder Diversity Alliance
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