Conference News August 2020 | Page 25

FROM 25 Mental Health ZERO TO HERO Bernadette Palombo, founder of Salone Events and the Event Professionals Journal, offers tips on managing wellbeing hat a journey we have all been taken on. From planning for the 2020 season to postponing or cancelling events, to now getting back into the swing of things. As an industry, we tend to experience variation in workload. We go from a manic planning stage to a short period of down time after the event. I like to refer to this as the ‘bipolar’ effect. We are experiencing a turbulent time, and we are all experiencing a range of emotions. My concern is that our wellbeing might take a hit as our lifestyles shift. However, I want to drill home the opportunities we have to adapt to the way we work, to reset and think about what we could do differently. Why? If we put our wellbeing first, the events we organise can start to better fit our lives, and the lives of those attending, giving us a fresh perspective. The important question is, however, now that we are going back to event planning, how can we manage our wellbeing? Make time for yourself Create time in your day that is just for you. Whether it is having your morning coffee in peace, reading, or journaling. Ensure that you set aside this personal time, hopefully the sort of time you may have enjoyed during lockdown, even if that means blocking out an hour here or there in your diary. The research we carried out shows that 57% of event professionals do not do anything for themselves on a daily basis. Let’s change this. Be smarter Our research also shows that 79% of respondents feel overwhelmed by their workload. However, many people, including event professionals, are only productive for an average of 3-4 hours each day. Why don’t we work smarter and increase our productivity? The Event Professionals Journal is shown to increase productivity of an average of 22.5% each day. The great news is that some large event companies out there have placed orders of the journal to gift to their staff for when they are back to work, to help productivity while ensuring their employees wellbeing is being looked after. Adopt an honesty policy It is always okay to say no. If you already have too much on your plate, if a request is too last minute, or if you feel overwhelmed, do not shy away from turning down a request. Communicate as much as possible about how you feel, if you are comfortable doing so. My little gift to you, in the hope it helps you smoothen out those crazy emotional curves, head to and enter code ‘Conferencenews’ at checkout to receive a 10% discount off of all of our products on our website. Remember you are not in this alone. It is hard, but out there is a wealth of opportunity.