Conference News August 2020 | Page 16

16 Cover Story The Government has issued a restart date of 1 October for larger events to run, subject to the number of Covid-19 cases not rising dramatically usiness events, conferences, exhibitions and events centres have been given the go ahead to reopen on 1 October, adhering to social distancing, prime minister Boris Johnson confirmed, 17 July. Meetings of up to 30 people are allowed from 1 August in certain venues if they are capable of adhering to safety guidance and can accommodate social distancing requirements. This may include hotels, cinemas and heritage venues. The return date of 1 October is conditional on the rate of infection staying at a manageable level. Following the announcement, a number of pilot events will take place at event venues across the country to plan for a return to large-scale events and test how best to implement social distancing practises. Details of these pilots will be finalised in partnership with the sector in the coming weeks. New guidance, published by the Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Association of Event Organisers (AEO), will help event organisers, venue operators and participants in the UK understand how they can work and host business events and conferences and keep both their guests and staff safe. Tourism minister Nigel Huddleston said: “Business events and conferences are a key part of our visitor economy and this is an important step in getting them back up and running safely. “Pilots will help inform our plans for the return of the sector in October with guests and staff adhering to social distancing and measures introduced to reduce close contact. “The UK has a great reputation in staging fantastic events that help drive growth for many different sectors and this will give the business event sector the certainty it needs to