government backed pilots to take
place. They should not be open fully
to host events more widely.
From 1 October, it is expected that
events of all types (e.g. trade shows,
consumer shows, exhibitions,
conferences) will be allowed at a
capacity allowing for compliance with
social distancing of 2m, or 1m with
mitigation (approximately equivalent
to a density of 10sqm per person).
Where such events involve people
speaking loudly for prolonged periods
of time any mitigation must include
particular attention to the ventilation
of the spaces. This will be subject to
the latest public health advice.
The Meetings Industry Association
as produced guidance specifically for
meetings venues, which is also
wrapped into the wider UKHospitality
guidance. Visit the association’s
website to find the guidance (www.
mia-uk.org). The AEO has produced
an All Secure Standard for large
events. You should consider the
relevant sections of workplace
guidance as well as relevant guidance
on pubs and restaurants and the
UKHospitality guidance for catering
Outdoor events (e.g. including
agriculture shows and festivals) are
covered by events guidance drafted
by the Events Industry Forum.
Events taking place in heritage
attractions/buildings should read
2.2.4 and follow through to Historic
England guidance.
Business meetings
• Preventing the attendance of
anyone who is symptomatic, has
recently been symptomatic, tested
positive for Covid-19, or if they are a
contact of someone symptomatic or
has been identified by the NHS Test
& Trace programme as someone who
has been a close contact of a case.
See current guidance on Gov.uk for
people who have symptoms and
those who live with others who have
• Avoiding the potential for
transmission of Covid-19 during
meetings, for example avoiding
sharing pens and other objects.
• Encouraging customers to use
handwashing facilities or hand
sanitiser (where washing facilities are
not available) as they enter the
premises to reduce the risk of
transmission by touching products or
• Ensuring that meeting rooms are
cleaned thoroughly between users
and the frequent touch points such
as door handles and surfaces are
continuously kept clean through an
• Ensuring that social distancing
applies to all parts of a premises
where the meeting is being
conducted, not just the place where
people spend most of their time, but
also entrances and exits, break
rooms, canteens and similar settings.
These are often the most challenging
areas to maintain social distancing.
• Holding meetings outdoors or in
well-ventilated rooms whenever
possible. See below for more
information on air ventilation.
• Having socially distanced seating
and/or spacing out any tables to
meet social distancing requirements.
• When indoors avoid those speaking
doing so directly face to face with
other participants whenever possible.
• Taking steps to
“From 1
October, it is
that events
of all types
(e.g. trade
will be
allowed at a
allowing for
with social
of 2m, or
1m with
avoid loud
Cover Story
speaking or
shouting, such as
not using background music and the
use of microphones.
• For areas where regular meetings
take place, using floor signage to help
people maintain social distancing.
Conferences and events
Additionally, the following mitigations
should be applied when planning
business and consumer trade
• Crowd Density Standard: at a
capacity allowing for compliance with
social distancing of 2m, or 1m with
mitigation (approximately equivalent
to a density of 10sqm per person)
• Controlled entry: staggering
admission to ensure socially
distanced arrival
• Managing queues outside the
venue to ensure they do not cause a
risk to individuals or other
businesses, for example by
introducing queuing systems, using
barriers and having staff direct
• Controlled flow during an event:
introducing one-way systems and
timed tickets to control flow and
alleviate congestion
• Providing floor markings, where
appropriate, and signage to remind
both workers and customers to follow
to social distancing wherever
• Assigning appropriately distanced
seating where events have a seated
element and encourage seated
• Ensuring that on site speakers are
subject to restrictions on live
performances - see performing arts
guidance for more information
• The opening up of the economy
following the Covid-19 outbreak is
being supported by NHS Test and
Trace. You should assist this service
by keeping a temporary record of
your customers and visitors for 21
days, in a way that is manageable for
your business but effective for
managing disease transmission
risks, and assist NHS Test and
Trace with requests for that data if