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International Confex 2022 round-up – Day One
We share some day one highlights from International Confex 2022 . See what the leading figures in the events industry had to say on-site at the show .
CN Conference Call – Hay Events : what makes a unique business ?
Tinique Hay , founder of Hay Events , tells CN about her full event management service and her plans for expansion .
CN Conference Call – What do planners want from venues ?
Cameron Roberts talks with Karla Pearce , director of marketing for Europe , Cvent Hospitality Cloud , about a new report looking into what planners want from venues . https :// www . conference-news . co . uk / video / confex-2022-day-1 https :// www . conference-news . co . uk / video / cn-conference-call-hay-eventswhat-makes-unique-business https :// www . conference-news . co . uk / video / cn-conference-callwhat-do-planners-want-venues-1 www . conference-news . co . uk