Conference News April 2022 | Page 27

sourcing venues for events . On site itself , technical expertise scored highly , showing the need for end-to-end technical support for today ’ s event organisers .
“ Collaboration between the planner and the supplier from the very beginning is vital . The report highlights ways to visit the venue with virtual site visits , as well as diagramming while you ’ re planning the event together . The technology that helps to get to that event is equally as important as the planning itself ,” says Pearce .
While venues are now on board with tech adoption , Pearce claims this was not always the case , saying : “ I think there was a lot of fear and lack of adoption from the hospitality industry for technology
to help the planner . Now , we ’ re seeing that they ’ re much more willing to have that conversation , which is great news for the planner as well .”
Brass tacks
Pearce spoke about why planners would use this report , not just to benchmark themselves , but also as a guide for what to ask venues about when in the early stages of the events cycle .
She said : “ The report is something that will give the planner the ability to know that venues will be there to also facilitate their lives and their challenges , because this is a call to action to venues to say , this is what planner wants , you should
l To download the report for yourself , visit cvent . co . uk
adopt it quicker in order to serve better the planners .
“ I think the biggest takeaway for planners is what are the things that they could expect now for venues and what they should ask for when they ’ re sourcing this .”
To finish , I asked Pearce how the results of the survey would change what was on the horizon for planners . She said : “ I think the planners ’ challenge for the future is how can they keep up with the attendees ’ demands . On top of this , they will also have to be mindful of how much they embrace all event formats . Planners must select with care how they will engage with the different ways of utilising technology during an event .” CN
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