Conference & Meetings World Supplements Canada AI Supplement | Page 6

Canada Montréal leading in Machine Learning Québec Province’s largest city is leading the way in Machine Learning, and global tech multina- tionals are quick to join the AI research party M ontréal has established itself as a centre of excellence for Artifi cial Intelligence (AI) and ICT, with a particular focus on Machine Learning. The city has a pipeline of world- class events including the 30th International Joint Conference on Artifi cial Intelligence (IJCAI), coming to Montréal in 2021 and bringing up to 3,000 experts from across the world. AI is everywhere, playing a role in almost every industry and when we talk about AI we mean developing capabilities of computers to achieve tasks previously requiring human involvement. Integral to this is Machine Learning, or using algorithms and variables to allow computers to learn from linear examples without explicit programming. Allied to these concepts is Deep Learning, or using hierarchal web structures similar to the human brain to give computers access to a non- linear style of learning. It is a concept initially discovered, in part, in Montréal. 6 CONFERENCE & MEETINGS WORLD This new AI ‘gold rush’ is turning Canada into the go-to place for AI experts. A liberal immigration policy has helped with global tech talent being encouraged to relocate to the country. A fast- track visa system is also a draw. Money is clearly following the talent and, last year, Montréal’s Element AI incubator and platform for companies that want to build or include AI solutions in their busines