One of the top three producers for Canadian exports of wheat , canola , oats , and barley , Edmonton has been diligent in creating a strategy around agriculture . There have been numerous success stories from the city , such as LandView Drones which is merging artificial intelligence with agriculture . The drones help farmers monitor the health of their crops , and AI software is being developed to detect potential health issues among large-scale cattle and pig farms . In contrast , InnoTech Alberta , Canopy , Cascades , and Alberta
Innovates are working together to create paper products from agricultural by-products such as flax straw and wheat .
Advanced manufacturing
Edmonton is a leader in advanced manufacturing and a centre of excellence in subsectors such as nanotechnology , additive manufacturing , and healthrelated manufacturing . Over the last decade , on a per capita basis , the Edmonton region outperformed any major city in Canada in manufacturing sales . Edmonton is also home to Alberta Innovates , a provincially funded applied research and development corporation .
With seven post-secondary institutions , Edmonton is the second youngest metro region in Canada where the median age is 36 years old . Home to six publicly funded post-secondary
institutions , and 180,000 full and part time students , Edmonton is delivering highly skilled graduates to the growing workforce . Both the University of Alberta ( UofA ) and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ( NAIT ) are nationally recognized for their research and postgraduate skill sets . The UofA is also ranked in the top 5 schools in Canada — and top 150 in the world — for their research and has one of the best medical schools in the country .
The message for planners is clear ; whatever your sector , you ’ ll find suitable partners and ambassadors in Edmonton .