City report
sustainable congresses this year, and it
has one of the world’s most
environmentally-friendly airports, whose
target is to become the largest airport in
Scandinavia in terms of passenger
Oslo’s Gardermoen airport had more
than 28.5m passengers in 2018, 4% up
year-on-year. Oslo was voted by Lonely
Planet as one of the top 10 cities to visit
in 2018 and it made National
Geographic’s ‘cool list’ for 2019.
Sustainability from a tourism
perspective “is not only about the
environment though,” Visit Oslo’s CEO
is quick to stress, “it is also about the
people and how you can make more
money. A lot of people view sustainability
solely from an environmental
perspective… but the city sees it in a
three-way perspective – people, planet
and also profit”.
Lunde says Oslo (and Norway) is
beginning to see the benefits of its
concerted efforts: “We have been in the
shadow of Stockholm and Copenhagen
for many years. Norway only has 5m
people – the Swedes have 10m. We have
played little brother for many years. Now
we actually have the confidence to say
that we are growing.”
Lunde admits that Oslo’s
infrastructure still needs work and that
the plans to get private cars out of the
city centre have highlighted the
limitations of the city’s transportation
structure. “We are still just at the
beginning of a new era for the city,” he
At a civic reception for participants of
Oslo VIPeace 2018’s familiarisation trip
at Oslo City Hall on 11 December 2018,
both the city’s Deputy Mayor, Ms Kamzy
Gunaratnam, and Lunde underlined the
city’s “well-developed meetings
infrastructure” and the city’s hotel and
conference capacity.
Annie Kristi Korsmo, Visit Oslo’s
Director of Conventions, elaborated a
little for CMW: “Oslo’s main markets are
24 /
the UK, the US, Europe and the Nordics,
and recently there has been a big
increase in interest from the Middle
East,” Korsmo noted, explaining that
Oslo was being promoted as a
year-round destination and one very
much focused on sustainability.
“We are seeing an increase in
proposals from corporate events
(including car launch proposals) and
incentives, both summer and winter,” she
“A lot of people seem to know where it
is, they know vaguely where Norway/
Scandinavia is, but when they get to
know what Oslo really has to offer, we
are seeing an increase in business.”
Korsmo also points to new cultural
attractions, new venues and new hotel
openings in Oslo, which has now moved
up to 19th place in ICCA’s European city
Since 2016, Korsmo’s team has
identified and worked with 230 potential
congresses for Oslo and has won 50 bids.
The convention division is also
looking at Asia as a potential new market
for Oslo and is participating in trade
shows in the region.
B2B at Gamle
workshop was
held at Gamle
Museet in
central Oslo on 9
December 2018
showcasing what
Oslo and Norway
can offer to 30
buyers and
clients from the
UK and Europe.
included hotel
groups (Thon,
Lysebu), as well
as Oslo Congress
Center, Norway
Trade Fairs,
SSG, Gyro.
Top: VIP liine up at
Oslo Rådhus
Middle: Rapelling at Holmenkollen
Bottom: Hit the right
note with an Opera
House tour