Conference & Meetings World Issue 130 Issue 130 | Page 56


Brisbane ’ s modern mix for meetings


W ith ‘ sustainability ’ still dominating the event planner ’ s checklist , the Australian city of Brisbane remains in pole position as a destination that delivers more than just ‘ lip service ’ to the issue .

Tucked into the southeast corner of Queensland and centred along the Brisbane River , with its eastern suburbs lining the shores of Moreton Bay , a bay of the Coral Sea , Australia ’ s third largest city continues to be a force to be reckoned with for genuinely inclusive and equitable events .
Gold standard Brisbane has reinforced its position as one of the nation ’ s fastest growing sustainable destinations , the only Australian city to take out the prestigious Gold level under the United Nations ’ Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) Cities Global Initiative , and
– significantly – only the second city globally . The city ’ s Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner says the UN ’ s Gold level recognised all the work Brisbane Council does to drive sustainability . “ Brisbane is home to world-class venues , hotels , restaurants , events and attractions but we ’ re also being increasingly recognised for our sustainable city status ,” he says , adding : “ Our practical approach towards sustainability is not just about cutting waste and emissions , but about cutting costs for residents and making our city better for future generations .”
Clearly , the strategy is working . Host city of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games , the bustling Queensland capital with an enviable sub-tropical lifestyle , recently claimed a spot in TIME magazine ’ s World ’ s Greatest Places 2023 and in the New York Times ’ prestigious 52 Places to Go in 2024 . But there is no resting on laurels ; an ongoing sweeping city transformation includes AUD $ 25bn in infrastructure development to support an economy predicted to top AUD $ 275bn by 2041 . A centrepiece
“ Our approach towards sustainability is not just about cutting waste and emissions , but about cutting costs for residents and making our city better for future generations ” within this transformation is the AUD $ 3.6bn Queen ’ s Wharf Brisbane precinct and , at its heart , The Star Brisbane ’ s state-of-the-art event centre complete with Brisbane ’ s largest hotel ballroom , serviced by four future luxury hotels .
However , again sustainability sits front and centre ; Queen ’ s Wharf Brisbane is the first development in Brisbane to be awarded the coveted 6-Star Green Star Communities rating in recognition of its social , environmental and economic sustainability designs . Star Brisbane COO hospitality , Kevin Dodt explains : “ From prioritising renewable energy , harvesting rainwater , recycling grey water and composting organic food waste , to our carbon abatement project , Corymbia , we are proud to contribute to a sustainable future .”
Herbie the dehydrator Brisbane Economic Development Agency ( BEDA ), the city ’ s convention bureau , works collaboratively with tourism operators and industry partners to support , promote and enable improvements to sustainable practices across the Brisbane region , which results in a competitive advantage for the city now and into the future .
A high-profile example is Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre ’ s ( BCEC ) which has demonstrated its commitment since opening in 1985 . Its business strategy is focussed through the lens of the UN ’ s Sustainability Goals , and the venue has been awarded the Earth Check Platinum Certification for its efforts . BCEC ’ s energy consumption is halved through an advanced lighting system which includes daylight harvesting , with much of the power coming from the solar array on the building ’ s roof . More than 50 % of all waste is recycled , and rainwater is stored in vast subterranean tanks for reuse . Food waste is turned into quality fertiliser by ‘ Herbie ,’ the Centre ’ s organic dehydrator which