Conference & Meetings World Issue 130 Issue 130 | Page 30


Nurturing mind and body amid the chaos


A s director of marketing and public relations for the meetings and events division at Caesars Entertainment ’ s more than 50 properties , I am no stranger to the whirlwind of excitement that comes with orchestrating impactful events amid a myriad of moving parts . While the thrill of my role is undeniably rewarding , it also presents its fair share of stressors . Over time , I ’ ve learned that prioritising wellness in both the office and on the road isn ’ t just a luxury , it ’ s a necessity for maintaining balance and vitality amid the hustle and bustle .

Incorporating wellness into my routine has become essential for sustaining both my physical and mental wellbeing . When working on multiple projects or travelling , one of my go-to practices is yoga , which I make a point to engage in several times a week , regardless of where I am in the world .
Tai-chi sessions
Yin yoga , with its gentle , restorative postures , is particularly soothing for unwinding after a long day of meetings or travel . Additionally , I ’ ve discovered the profound relaxation of sound baths , immersing myself in the harmonious vibrations to quiet the mind and soothe the soul .
Nutrition also plays a crucial role in fuelling my energy and resilience on the road . Incorporating superfoods like reishi mushrooms and maca root into my daily routine has been a game-changer . Reishi mushrooms , renowned for their adaptogenic properties , help to mitigate the effects of stress and support immune function , making them a must-have addition to my smoothies . Meanwhile , maca root provides a natural energy boost and hormonal balance , keeping me feeling energised and focused throughout my hectic schedule .
Maintaining a sense of balance n Contact : https :// www . caesars . com / meetings / our-expertise
CMW Wellness is powered by Caesars Entertainment
Reina Herschdorfer
requires intentional self-care practices . Here are some strategies that have proven invaluable in nurturing both my mind and body : Prioritise Movement : Even amid a packed itinerary , carving out time for physical activity is essential . Whether it ’ s a morning yoga session in my hotel room , a brisk walk between meetings , or simply stretching during layovers , incorporating movement into my day helps to alleviate tension and boost mood . Mindful Eating : While it ’ s tempting to succumb to the convenience of airport snacks , prioritising nourishing meals is key to sustaining energy levels and overall wellbeing . Opting for nutrient-dense options and incorporating superfoods into my diet ensures that I feel fuelled and focused throughout the day . Embrace Moments of Stillness : Finding moments of quietude is essential for recharging both body and mind . Whether it ’ s through meditation , deep breathing exercises , or simply taking a few moments to appreciate the beauty of a new destination , cultivating mindfulness helps to centre and ground me amid the whirlwind . Utilising meditation apps and earbuds can be a