Conference & Meetings World Issue 130 Issue 130 | Page 19


IMEX Frankfurt set to make a more positive impact

T he IMEX Frankfurt programme of professional and personal development this year will involve 150 learning sessions reflecting the way people now live and work . Attendees can ‘ pick and mix ’ across seven tracks and tangible , practical takeaways are front and centre . One key speaker is Mike Ford , founder of Grateful Lemon , who gives us a taste here as to what to expect from his two sessions at the show which runs 14-16 May .

What small yet powerful habit shifts can event professional make to ensure they live their best lives ? To make a change to their lives , people need to understand why change happens and how to make change . Why do 91 % of New Year ’ s resolutions fail ? It ’ s because people focus on the goal , they don ’ t focus on the habits .
To make something a habit you have to start small and be consistent . For example , if you ’ ve set a goal to run a marathon , don ’ t start day one of your training by trying to run 10 miles – that ’ s one way to guarantee that you won ’ t continue ! Incorporate your aim into your daily routine – and build up slowly – so that it gradually becomes habit .
You ’ ve worked with many high achieving sports people . What did you learn from working with them ? It has struck me how athletes are unapologetic about their need for recovery . Take , Harry Kane , the international footballer , as an example . When he was interviewed after an England win last year , he acknowledged the success , but asserted his team ’ s need to take time out and recover before the next match .
In many ways , we ’ re no different as event planners . You could say we ’ re ‘ corporate athletes ’ and have the same need to factor in recovery time . The amount of rest we ’ re able to have outside of work has a direct bearing on our professional performance . There ’ s a direct correlation : physically , mentally and emotionally . We need to learn how to master the dance between stress and recovery .
Event professionals should look at
“ We ’ re ‘ corporate athletes ’ and have the same need to factor in recovery time . The amount of rest we ’ re able to have outside of work has a direct bearing on our professional performance .”
Left : Mike Ford how they can embrace the concept of recovery : let ’ s not celebrate long hours or weekend working . Instead , let ’ s lean into those small but powerful changes to a daily work routine – by holding walking meetings , ensuring no back-to-back meetings , for instance . This is not suggesting doing less . It ’ s recognising when you need the ferocious commitment to get a job , project or event done and then ensuring you embrace the need for recovery , too .
What was your own experience of burnout ? A few years ago my work life balance was out of whack and had been for a long time . I ’ d worked long hours , spent time away from home travelling , not prioritising a decent night ’ s sleep .
I was on holiday with my family and had joined a Board call . I had a sudden realisation : the people most important to me were all enjoying their vacation together and I ’ d chosen to spend time away from them doing work !
I walked into the office as soon as I returned home and said I was leaving . I didn ’ t know what the repercussions would be , but I knew it had to happen – and it was the best decision I ’ ve ever made .
Burnout and overload are the number one reason people leave their jobs and it ’ s a major problem in our industry . Our data shows that seven out of 10 people in the hospitality and events industry are on the road to burnout .
My focus now is on helping people understand what action they can take to improve their lives , reframe and reduce stress and shift from surviving to thriving . The Energy Audit gives people a clear picture of their current energy state and wellbeing and the trajectory they ’ re heading in .
This data is powerful and it ’ s often the prompt someone needs to reevaluate their life . It ’ s all about getting someone excited about – and truly believing in – the positive impact they can make on their life . n