Conference & Meetings World Issue 130 Issue 130 | Page 17

Destinations International

Destinations International says Intellectual Capital is redefining event success

I n the dynamic realm of business events , the need for adaptability and innovation to drive delegate attendance and stakeholder ROI has never been more critical . The landscape is shifting , and today ’ s delegates demand more than just information ; they seek engagement , connection , and experiences that resonate on a personal and professional level . This shift is fuelled by a blend of factors – generational changes in expectations , a post-pandemic reevaluation of event significance , and a deeper , more nuanced approach to inclusivity . These elements are not just influencing trends , they are reshaping the very foundation of how we conceive and execute business events .

Maximising event impact through intellectual capital Event strategists are increasingly recognising the power of partnering with destination organisations to harness local assets . Intellectual capital , the collective knowledge , expertise , and innovative potential within a destination , has emerged as a critical element in the strategic planning of events . By tapping into these resources , they are not only enriching the attendee experience but also significantly boosting their event ’ s financial success , positioning themselves as key contributors in their organisations . Destinations are increasingly using their local scholars , industry leaders , and research institutions to offer unique learning opportunities and thought leadership . This strategic alignment with intellectual resources not only elevates the content and relevance of meetings but also fosters an environment of inspiration and collaboration , essential for the exchange of ideas and professional growth , creating reciprocal value for both the incoming business events and the destinations that host them .
Transforming event outcomes through strategic partnerships Destination selection is one of the most crucial elements in setting up an event for success and as stewards of Intellectual Capital , destination organisations emerge as vital allies by bridging the gap between event strategists and the local community . These partnerships extend beyond
“ Destinations are increasingly using their local scholars , industry leaders , and research institutions to offer unique learning opportunities and thought leadership .” securing a local keynote speaker and delve into the local community leading to better bookings and deeper impacts .
To integrate Intellectual Capital in your events , consider these tips : Evolve your approach . Driving attendance is the art of continuous evolution of strategy , and that evolution should be seen in annual updates to your Requests for Proposals ( RFPs ). Event strategists who boldly move beyond attendance driving , realigning event budgets and concessions to better serve their stakeholders , consistently achieve higher success . Foster creativity with local insights . Engage with destination organisations to infuse your event with local culture and insights , transforming it into an immersive experience enriching your event with distinctive content and experiences that resonate with attendees . Impact the local community . Start with a vision of how your event can contribute positively to the host community . Many destinations and hosting organisations offer opportunities to support local causes , enriching the event experience . These initiatives not only create handson experiences but instil attendees with a lasting sense of purpose and fulfillment .
Elevating event excellence with the Intellectual Capital Certificate Destinations International is proud to unveil the Intellectual Capital Certificate programme , designed to help destination organisations prioritise Intellectual Capital and community impact , and extending that value to the incoming business events and reshaping how event strategists choose their event destinations . n
n For destination organisations that want to learn more visit : https :// destinationsinternational . org / intellectualcapital-certificate-program , and https :// destinationsinternational . org / reimaginingpre-promote .