Conference & Meetings World Issue 128 | Page 25


MPI elevating education in 2024


E ducational content has long been at the heart of MPI , and its impact on members has been significant . By participating in , or delivering education , you cannot fail to increase your network and global connections . That is the beauty of education , it helps expand and enrich your community .

As Michelle Allgauer , CAE , CMM , CMP Fellow , 2024 chair , MPI International Board of Directors , looks ahead to 2024 , it is clear that , energising , evolving and enriching education are close to her heart .
Allgauer says : “ As chair , my top priority is to showcase MPI as the leading education provider for our industry . Amidst constant challenges in our ever-changing world , we must
Michelle Allgauer continuously rethink our approach and remain adaptable . AI is reshaping the meeting industry , offering potential to enhance attendee experiences and streamline event management , and drive innovation . Simultaneously , AI is transforming meeting education , providing more personalised , efficient , and accessible learning experiences . This transformative trend demands increased attention and forward-thinking strategies in both sectors , reimagining event and education settings and optimising knowledge sharing and engagements .”
There are plenty of opportunities for education and connecting to flourish in 2024 . In March , the European Meetings and Events Conference takes place in Luxembourg . Then a couple of months later , in May , the destination is Louisville ,
Susie Townsend
“ AI is transforming meeting education , providing more personalised , efficient , and accessible learning experiences .”
USA for the World Education Congress . And , in addition , MPI is launching regional councils to support chapters and foster excellence across global regions .
While the staff and MPI International Board of Directors play their part , so too does the MPI Foundation , which seeks to distribute funds for worthwhile causes , such as scholarships and community development . In fact , 2024 is the 40th anniversary of the Foundation , which has Susie Townsend at the helm being the chair of the MPI Foundation Global Board of Trustees . As well as celebrating success , the Foundation is focused on the future , as by 2027 it is targeting to achieve over $ 5m in its endowment . When that level of financial base is achieved , the interest alone sustains annual operations and funds going back to the community .
Education and networking have certainly played a key part Townsend ’ s success . As she says : “ I started my career at age 16 working in a local restaurant . I caught the hospitality bug early . I started working for Hyatt Hotels after college and then moved over to the Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association ( now Visit Indy ) working in Conventions and Events . The influence of MPI in my professional career impacted me greatly . It has helped me become involved in a global network of like-minded professionals . My involvement has helped me grow national and international connections as well as my learnings within this global community .”
The best advice she received , she says , was to become a lifelong learner . And just look at her progress . There are always ways to learn and grow , whether it is through reading and investing in education or educational programmes . Education really is a gateway to success . n