Sponsored Content tremendous assistance with administrative issues such as Visa application processing . Though not a direct remit of SANCB , they were able toexplain the process and worked with local home affairs authorities to facilitate the process in an efficient way . The SANCB also gave valuable yet impartial advice on preferred suppliers and vendors for organisers to make informed decisions . As scientists and not event organisers , that type of advice was extremely helpful to WCoP .
South Africa as a business events destination The continent is a major selling point . As a tourist destination , it is incredible and anything more than that is just the cherry on the top . As a country , South Africa tends to have a world-class infrastructure when it comes to international conferences , and this was highlighted during the hosting of the World Conference on Pharmacometrics ( WCoP ). It also boasts amazing local service providers that have the skill and expertise to handle the demands and challenges of the international organiser and community .
Importance of conducting business events in the health sector Business events such as WCoP are important , especially in a nascent , new field like Pharmacometrics . They bring together delegates to build the next generation of scientists , so it aids in capacity and capability development . This ranges from teaching and training during pre-conference workshops and getting young scientists to share their knowledge and initiatives . It is also a setting where they can conduct internal benchmarking to see where they fit relative to where they should be going .
Conferences are also vital for young scientists to identify peers and potential collaborators , locally , regionally , and internationally . For the older career scientist , events such as these allow them to see how they can expand their network or produce pieces of work that can be more impactful . For the companies / organisations that sponsor the events , conferences are vital to showcase what they do so they can get exposure and continue to do more of it . The sector as a whole also benefits because these business events get pharmaceuticals , regulatory bodies , and academia – bodies that might not usually engage – in an environment that helps them break down barriers and potentially collaborate .
Relevance of face-to-face conferencing In 2021 , WCoP was held as a hybrid event – which meant it had both a virtual and face-to-face component and that was a resounding success . In a virtual setting , people can engage either on video or chat , and if they decide to type a question , they tend to put a bit more thought into it , which is a huge positive . Added to this when a delegate asks a question in a virtual setting it allows them to get more contributions and answers not just from the speaker but from other delegates who can respond in the chat .
Having said that , face-to-face settings are a better environment to have tough
conversations which are hard to do virtually . When engaging face-to-face , you can have a tough conversation , but still , have the option to meet socially thereafter to clear the air which is not always possible virtually .
Looking to the future , hybrid is the way to go . A business event that is not 100 % face to face or 100 % virtual but a combination of the two . This gives people the best of both worlds in a way that is seamless and both groups of people have a rich and robust experience as either alone . The world is already talking about holograms and being able to present using those , so the whole hybrid world is changing very rapidly . There will always be a place for virtual and a place for face-to-face . The trick is how to bring them together seamlessly .
“ Hosting the World Conference on Pharmacometrics in Cape Town has showcased Africa as a destination for scientific innovation . I am excited about the potential for local job creation in healthcare and data sciences research via collaborations with the international community .” n
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