Conference & Meetings World Issue 120 | Page 61


Authenticity is the new currency of destinations


W hy do we attend business events ? It ’ s a key question that needs answering for our industry to enjoy continued relevance and success in the future . Post-Covid – or rather , with Covid – we see that people crave face-to-face encounters , which opens up substantial opportunities for the events community to create experiences that matter for attendees . Destinations play a key role in that . They are an integral part of events and can deliver considerable added value . In this context , we see authenticity as the new currency of destinations .

Know who you are The term “ authentic ” is commonly associated with the quality of being genuine and the contents of something corresponding to the actual facts . For destinations this means that what they communicate about their identity needs to correspond to what visitors will actually experience when there , which includes the local population living and supporting this specific identity .
It is therefore key for destinations to identify their strengths and weaknesses , to pinpoint what makes them unique and crucially , to include the people , who live and work there and essentially make that destination , in the conversation . individually and opportunities can be created to meet the locals and / or change-makers in the respective destination . Tapping into the know-how of the local population , e . g ., showcasing their insider tips and favourite places , also enables introducing attendees to the “ real ” city or region .
Make authenticity collaborative However , activating the power of authenticity requires a careful and well thought-through approach which considers challenges and potential critical issues involved .
When identifying a destination ’ s special characteristics as a first step to turning them into something that can be experienced , destinations will have to widen their network of partners and pursue an integrated approach which considers different groups , sectors and communities . A collaborative and comprehensive approach is needed to activate everyone involved .
Partners might have to be educated about and convinced of the value of authenticity – and it is paramount that any new ideas are developed jointly to make sure that their needs and potential is always considered .
Of course , this also applies to harnessing what locals can contribute to making a destination more attractive for business events : When people for example share their insider tips with others they don ’ t know , this needs to happen in the context of an open and participatory process , with boundaries being respected .
The competitive advantage of being authentic Ultimately , in the changed ecosystem of business events , with digital and hybrid options having become the norm , real world experiences take on a whole new meaning .
People long for them because they get something out of them which cannot be provided by other means . At the same time , they have heightened expectations , simply because there is so much now that they can get online .
Integrating what makes a place authentic and unique can be a key success factor – and destinations who have a clear idea of what they are and what makes them special will therefore have a competitive advantage in the long run .
Create connections between attendees and destinations A destination ’ s authentic character can be harnessed in different ways to enhance and boost the content of business events . Attendees can be connected with city life , time can be scheduled in for people to explore