Conference & Meetings World Issue 118 | Page 19

Association Interview

Martha Lucia Bautista Cely holds a Masters in International Protection of Human Rights , Public Policies and Sustainability from the Alfonso X el Sabio University of Madrid , Spain . She is a lawyer , specialist in Constitutional and Administrative Law , Probative Law and Disciplinary Law . She has also higher qualifications in Governance , Political Management and Public Management , as well as in Human Rights , International Relations and Democratic Public Leadership , Conciliation – Alternative Means of Conflict Resolution , Women and Gender Perspective , Public Policies and Open Government . She is a University professor and author of several specialised legal works .
She has also held positions such as Judge and Assistant Magistrate of the Disciplinary Jurisdictional Chamber of the Superior Council of the Judiciary ; Advisor to the Attorney General ’ s Office ; Director of the Colombian Institute of Disciplinary Law ; General Secretary of the International Confederation of Discpliniary Law and co-founder of several legal organisations .