Conference & Meetings World Issue 112 | Page 33

Canada tech

A driving force for innovation

anada ’ s commitment to technological advancements is driving growth across the sector , the country and the globe through business events .
“ Canada ’ s technology sector is booming ,” Virginie De Visscher , senior director of business development at Destination Canada , tells CMW . “ With advancements in AI , telecommunications , e-commerce and gaming taking place from coast to coast , international conferences looking to take advantage of this expertise are choosing Canada ,” she says .
This direct access to Canada ’ s pre-established ecosystems , combined with its world-leading research centres , vibrant urban centres and outdoor experiences , all can help planners create impactful agendas to inspire their delegates and meet their goals .
“ The growth of technology within Canada ’ s private sector , paired with foreign investment and the government ’ s engagement within the sector , make Canada a great location for technology – and business events – to thrive ,” De Visscher adds .
Canada has plenty of trailblazers across a host of emerging technologies and , as CMW illustrated with its deep dive into the country ’ s Life Sciences sector in 2019 for a special supplement , when conference-goers meet in the tech hubs , they can tap into Canada ’ s brain trust , connect with thought leaders , and explore the technologies powering the future . This can also be done during tech festivals , B2B exchanges , technical tours and more .
Information and Communications
Technology ( ICT ) alone is worth $ 84.9bn to Canada ’ s economy and now provides 1.5m jobs in the digital economy .
Recent technology investments include HSBC opening a Global Data & Innovation Lab in Toronto , employing over 50 people in AI-related roles ; Samsung Electronics expanding its Advanced Institute of Technology ( SAIT ) artificial intelligence Lab Montreal , and Ericsson creating a global AI accelerator innovation hub in Montreal .
Facebook has expanded its Montreal AI lab ; Amazon Web Services has opened a 13,000 sq . ft . office in Winnipeg and Accenture has opened a new innovation hub in
Below : Virginie De Visscher , senior director of business development at Destination Canada
Toronto , adding 800 technology jobs in 2020 .
Fujitsu has founded a new subsidiary in Vancouver and Korea ’ s LG Electronics has partnered with the University of Toronto at a research centre in Toronto for the development of AI technology .
Another great example of the faith in Canada ’ s AI is the March 2021 launch by Deloitte of a rendition of their AI Institute in Canada .
The Deloitte news has been since followed by the Canadian government investing $ 14m into Redline Communications ( Canada ’ s largest wireless tech firm ). This is part of a larger , $ 39.5m investment to design a 5G wireless solution .
Of the world ’ s top 10 largest tech companies , nine have Canadian headquarters in the Greater Toronto Area ; one is located in Montreal .
The national government is also harnessing the power of collaborative R & D , with a $ 950m investment matched by the private sector designed to unlock the power of data-driven innovation across a spectrum of industries that make up Canada ’ s five superclusters : digital technologies , protein industries , advanced manufacturing , artificial intelligence and blue ocean science .
More information on these special sectors can be found in the Business Events Canada Technology brochure which not only profiles this Canadian expertise , but also links to how this expertise impacts meaningful business events . In the following pages we look at some selected Canadian cities and what they have to offer those looking to hook up their delegates and their communities with technology hotbeds .