Conference & Meetings World Issue 112 | Page 30

City focus

Stockholm : a safe meeting place in uncertain times

weden has built a reputation of taking a measured approach to controlling the Covid pandemic , but its meetings and events industry remains in digital mode until September 2021 . The country ’ s pandemic laws as of late April stipulated no more than eight people may be present at a public gathering or event , although the government says it is looking into scaling up capacities depending on venue size .
The region ’ s largest exhibition and events centre certainly has size on its side : Stockholmsmässan has been adapting its huge areas for a variety of uses during the pandemic and has joined with three major national players in the sector in lobbying the government to allow a safe reopening . They are fronting a ‘ Vi ses säkert ’ ( Let ’ s meet safely ) campaign which includes a safe meetings initiative and protocols .
The partners are highlighting the
Swedish approach of : ‘ We keep our distance ’ and championing the idea of individuals assuming personal responsibility .
The group released a statement urging the authorities not to categorise B2B events as ‘ festivals ’ or ‘ sporting events ’ but rather as platforms for business . They are also putting forward the idea of special regulations based on organisers ’ specific conditions for managing flows without leading to an increased risk of the spread of infection .
“ We want to see a regulatory framework that is reasonable and regulates the activities we conduct , and a model with a dynamic number of allowed individuals in place at the same time - a number based on the facility ’ s and event ’ s ability to create meetings where business , academia and social actors can be seen safely and securely . We are ready .” This is the message signed by Carin Kindbom , president and CEO of the Swedish
“ The partners are highlighting the Swedish approach of : ‘ We keep our distance ’ and championing the idea of individuals assuming personal responsibility .”
Left : Up on the roof - Stockholm ready to take the high ground postpandemic
Exhibition Center Gothia Towers ; Christian Clemens , president of the Stockholm Exhibition Stockholmsmässan ; Joakim Percival , president of Easyfairs Nordic , and Lotta Frenssen , president of Elmia AB .
Stockholm is also looking to the future and has plenty in the MICE pipeline . Karin Mäntymäki , director market development at Visit Stockholm , points to the sectoral strengths of the city , particularly technology , and says : “ Hopefully this will help the MICE business get back on its feet ”.
World congresses continue to choose Stockholm . The European Association for the Study of Diabetes e . V . ( EASD ) has chosen Stockholm for its annual meeting in September 2022 . The congress is the world ’ s largest in diabetes research and usually attracts 15,000 attendees . The city is hosting it for the fifth time , which reflects long-term work that has paid off .
“ We are proud and happy to once again to host EASD . Thanks to close co-operation with Stockholmsmässan and other important players , we show that Stockholm wants and can deliver world class ,” says Mäntymäki .
Stockholm will also welcome the ACM / IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction – HRI 2023 . “ This type of congress strengthens the image of Stockholm as an innovative and creative city . The fact that EASD and ACM / IEEE have chosen Stockholm is important for both business and research ,” Mäntymäki adds .
Visit Stockholm has also won funding from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth to develop Stockholm ’ s position in innovation and meetings .
The list of events planned for later in the year at Stockholmsmässan includes Monitor Roadshow 2021 in September , a conference for AV manufacturers ; Bo & Bygg , the largest Nordic DIY event and Bergdagarna , the rock engineering conference , both in October . The 2022 calendar has Stockholm Design Week in February – hopefully back in person after