Conference & Meetings World Issue 105 | Page 53

FIEXPO FIEXPO ramps up its commitment in LatAm for 2020 DIRECTOR OF FIEXPO, SERGIO BARITUSSIO, SAYS THE SHOW’S ROTATION TO COLOMBIA WILL BRING IN MORE BUYERS AND VISITORS THAN EVER AND OFFERS A SPECIAL WARM WELCOME IN CARTAGENA FIEXPO Exhibitions Group says 2020 will be a year of great challenges and that it is redoubling its commitment to promote the Latin American continent globally as a venue for international events. From 23 to 25 March, the Workshop and Technical Visit of FIEXPO Latin America will be held in the city of Santiago de Chile. The international event is designed to support the country’s repositioning campaign, and will involve the participation of influential hosted buyers and world-class speakers. Among many other events planned, it is worth highlighting the Latin American Political Forum on Meetings Tourism, to be held in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia the day before the FIEXPO Latin America main tradeshow, 8-10 June 2020. Cartagena will host the show’s first edition of three in Colombia, following the three-year cycle in Chile which ended last year. The fair venue will be the Las Americas Exhibition Center, while the Forum will be held at the Conrad Hotel. Following a tradition started several Above: FIEXPO’s Sergio Baritussio (centre, right) ropes in some of the big association, venue and destination hitters Below: Suited and booted for the big FIEXPO awards night opportunities to make business.” Baritussio added: “For this year we expect to have a great event, with a warmer climate and the marvellous surroundings of one of the cities named as UNESCO Heritage of Humanity. We`ll have great personalities at the Politicians Forum and for the education sessions, including ICCA President James Rees, SITE President and CEO, Didier Scaillet, CEO of IAPCO. Martin Boyle and the Director of Madrid Convention Bureau, David Noack Pérez. “This year will also be the first time that the SITE board meeting will take place during FIEXPO, and also the meeting of ICCA Iberian and Latin Chapters together.” Joining the celebrations for the bicentennial of Ecuador’s independence and the international activities organised by the government of the city of Guayaquil, FIEXPO Latin America will hold another Workshop and Technical Visit, 11-13 November. There international Hosted Buyers will meet with local operators and visit the infrastructure available in the city for congresses, events and incentive trips. In addition to FIEXPO’s own events, which are already established in the Latin American and Caribbean market, the organiser’s new designation as an ICCA Industry Partner will see it involved in hosting the first edition of the Motivation Luxury Summit, 11-15 October, of the Chilean Patagonia Summit. This is set to showcase luxury options for incentive travels before the main incentive travel agencies in North America and Europe, who will be sending representatives to this exclusive show. For further information on these events, visit years ago, joining speakers and the international media, will be a group of hosted buyers. They will participate in FIEXPO’s Pre-Workshop over the three days prior to the show proper, 5-7 June. This year that event will take place in Panama City. CMW spoke to FIEXPO Director, Sergio Baritussio, who emphasised that the destination rotation of FIEXPO had the objective to contribute positioning the new destinations, as well as supporting the work of the relevant government and the private sector. “This change also helps to renew the trade visitors to our exhibition due to the proximity from the host country,” he added. “The exhibitors and hosted buyer numbers will be increased this time and also we are going to have more than 40% of new buyers. This is really important for us because we want to give our exhibitors the best and new ISSUE 105 / CONFERENCE & MEETINGS WORLD / 53