Conference & Meetings World Issue 104 | Page 63

AIPC Competing in today’s ‘war for talent’ ALOYSIUS ARLANDO, PRESIDENT OF AIPC, WRESTLES WITH A DECADES-OLD PROBLEM – HUMAN RESOURCE ow did we find ourselves here? And what do we do about it? I am referring to one of the biggest challenges to hit our industry in the last 10 years – one that is also being felt by many other sectors at the same time, which makes things even worse. And that, of course, is the shrinking availability of the kind of skilled human resources we need to deliver on the increasing expectations being placed on today’s industry. Recent surveys show this is now a top concern among our AIPC members in almost every part of the world. We’re not alone in this – and demographics can explain a lot of it. But, as an industry, we do have some very unique problems that will have to be solved if we are to remain competitive in the labour market, and identifying what these are is a good first step toward finding solutions. First, in a world where everyone is competing for the best and the brightest, we remain almost invisible in terms of representing an attractive career path. Everyone knows what a doctor, dentist, engineer or accountant does, but how many have a clue about what happens in the meetings industry and the supply systems that support it? This is the product of a bigger, long-term ‘image’ issue that has challenged the industry for a long time. However, that neglect is now expressing itself in a new way. It gets worse. To the extent that we have any image at all it is likely most associated with ‘tourism’, which itself is an issue, as it has become largely synonymous with low-paid, repetitive work, rather than anything that is likely to appeal to an ambitious graduate. Third, we are still short on credentials and training that is recognised anywhere outside our own industry, which is by definition where much of our new workforce must come from. Again, most college-level programmes that touch on our needs are embedded in either tourism or facility management, neither of which are necessarily inspiring for those looking at a more rewarding career path. Many of the skills we need in this industry are scattered across many disciplines rather than having an identifiable focus that could capture the attention of those whose attention we most want to attract. What to do? There’s no easy fix, but without a concerted effort the problem will continue and in fact worsen in many areas. However, there are some clear opportunities: The first relates to enhancing our overall profile in our respective communities. Centres, in particular, represent a high-profile presence wherever they are located, and putting more effort into using them to educate the local community about how dynamic and exciting this industry really is – what goes on in these facilities – would pay a variety of immediate returns, including the attraction of potential employees. Secondly, we need to craft a more distinctive picture of what a career path in this sector can mean and why that is attractive to individuals with lots of other choices for employment. Having done this, we need to promote that where it matters: in job fairs, online and anywhere else that those looking at career options are likely to be looking. Finally, we need to re-consider what it takes to retain those we do attract. Incentives, training, certifications and other kinds of rewards all need to be on the table and heavily invested in. We offer some of the most exciting and diverse career opportunities around – a window into many different professions, disciplines and interactions and a focus for some of the most important issues and developments in the world today. The fact that this remains largely unknown outside of our own ranks is a huge obstacle to attracting and retaining the very best – but one we can, and need to, act on immediately to secure the future of our industry. The industry offers some of the most diverse career opportunities around - but that remains largely unknown. The International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC) represents a global network of 190 leading centres in 64 countries with the active involvement of 1,000 management level professionals worldwide. ISSUE 104 / CONFERENCE & MEETINGS WORLD / 63