BCEC Solar Panels
What are your strategies for the ‘ new normal ’ and how are you positioning to win back business ?
We are re-growing our sales and marketing team now that we are confident in our revenue ! Importantly , we ’ re taking an investment approach to BCEC and Brisbane ’ s next decade . During the last two years BCEC and Brisbane Economic Development Agency ’ s ( BEDA ) Business Events Team have worked closely together to look at how we take our ‘ post-win ’ support to the next level and how the delegate journey is enhanced to make their time here for a conference memorable , but also meaningful , so activating networking hubs for delegates around the Centre , engaging them with our local universities to reach out to the next generation , assisting with identifying environmental legacies our clients can engage with – as well as amplifying all the value-add / free things around BCEC and the city ( free transport , city discounts , free museums and other attractions ).
What major national / international events do you have on the books for 2023 and beyond ?
In June 2023 the Centre is set to host the world ’ s largest and most influential HIV Sciences conference for 6,000 delegates , while the list of high profile international conferences heading to BCEC next year also includes :
• Asia Oceania Otorhinolaryngological Head and Neck Conference for 1,500 delegates
• Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting for 700 delegates , their first time outside the US
• World Mining Congress for 2,000 delegates
• World Congress of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences ( FIP ) for 1,500-2000 delegates .
We will also be hosting over 100 national conference in the next year .
What are your key sectors and how do you leverage local expertise to attract events ?
Our key priorities are energy , food security , health and technology . More than a decade ago we established our BCEC Convention Advocates Partnership to formally acknowledge our international leaders in these sectors and to thank them for how they collaborate and guide us in attracting conferences .
We are regularly humbled by how local leaders , who are developing new scientific inventions and treatments that will save millions of lives , want to give back to their city and bring international events here to showcase their sector , their students , their laboratories and their institutions . We are fortunate to have the University of Queensland , Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University all represented heavily across our Advocates .
What is your sustainability agenda ?
Driving environmental change and delivering best practice outcomes for events and the wider community is a top priority , both for us as a venue , and increasingly for our clients . It is embedded into the Centre ’ s day to day operation . The Centre has just received the tick of approval for its second year of EarthCheck Platinum Certification . From energy and water conservation to recycling , sourcing and distribution of food , participation in community initiatives to the day to day operational efforts of the staff – EarthCheck ’ s rigorous auditing processes ensure only the very highest standards of sustainability practices are in place . The future agenda includes plans for a second installation of solar panels , a review of our organic waste system and the development of a Carbon Calculator for events .
We are also collaborating with Queensland government and our key universities more than ever . Brisbane offers so many of the bucket list experiences that overseas delegates expect and BCEC and BEDA are planning to jointly invest to amplify our global presence and awareness – our world leading smarts in sectors that are needed to solve global challenges in energy , food security and health . We ’ ll focus on conferences in sectors where our universities and government are investing for the future .
City panorama from the BCEC roof