ICC Sydney
Geoff Donaghy , CEO , ICC Sydney and group director – convention centres , ASM Global ( APAC ), tells CMW how the iconic centre is once again firing on all cylinders for conferencing and major events
What kind of impact did Covid have on business at the venue and are events firmly back now ?
As all Omicron-related restrictions eased in New South Wales from mid-February , we saw an immediate increase in demand for in person events . By the end of June , our 2022 financial year , we had delivered 300 events , welcomed 470,000 attendees – doubling the figure of the previous year – with AUD $ 190m contributed to the local economy through related visitor spend .
Domestic attendance is on par with pre-Covid pandemic levels and international events returned earlier than anticipated . ICC Sydney is on track to have delivered 490 events for 780,778 attendees overall in 2022 .
Impactful international events in 2022 included the Million Dollar Round Table event attracting 4,500 in person delegates , the International Academy of Pathology World Congress drawing 1,600 people and the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering attracting over 1,300 people .
So , what is the outlook for 2023 and how has business changed ?
We have a bumper 2023 ahead , welcoming events such as the Human Rights Conference - Sydney WorldPride in March 2023 for 1,500 people , the International Congress of Actuaries in June 2023 for 1,000 people , the 45th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference in July 2023 for 1,900 people , the ICOMOS 21st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium in September 2023 for 1,000 people , the FDI Annual World Dental Congress also in September 2023 for 4,500 people and the World Organisation of Family Doctors ( WONCA ) Conference in October 2023 for 4,000 people .
ICC Sydney CEO Geoff Donaghy
Looking further ahead , the 3rd International Vacuum Congress ( IVC-23 ) will be held in 2025 for 1,300 people and the International Astronautical Congress will take place in 2025 for 4,500 people .
ICC Sydney is on track to returning to deliver AUD $ 1bn a year in economic contribution to our city and regional communities within the next three years .
We were fortunate to have the right strategy to keep our core team intact ready to respond to a rebounding market , however replenishing our casual talent pool was critical in the early months of the year . In the last year , we have committed to reducing the environmental impacts of events as signatory to the Exhibition and Event Association of Australasia ’ s Sustainable Events 2030 Pledge and the Joint Meetings
Industry Council ’ s Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge . To this end , the venue ’ s 2023 Menu Collection has undergone a detailed carbon calculation analysis and features low carbon options . Creating positive social impacts through events is an equal focal point . ICC Sydney is committed to meaningful engagement with First Nations communities and connecting visitors to First Nations culture and businesses .
Connect Hub – our one stop destination for speaker preparation and digital event solutions was recently awarded the AIPC Innovation Award and we have invested $ 1.53m in a raft of new equipment .
We developed our Connect Outdoors service to integrate more face-to-face networking moments within events at the venue and take advantage of the outdoor spaces with views across Darling Harbour and the iconic Sydney CBD skyline . Our Legacy Program gives organisers more avenues to reach their CSR objectives through their events . Sustainability criteria including environmental performance , modern slavery commitments and fair-trade principles are central to ICC Sydney ’ s purchasing decisions .
ICC Sydney ' s Connect Hub