Conference & Meetings World Australia supplement | Page 19


Melbourne is the top sustainable city in the country , according to the GDS-Index
MCB also partners with City of Melbourne and Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre ( MCEC ), to participate in programmes such as the Global Destination Sustainability Index . And Melbourne cemented its number one position as the top sustainable city in Australia for business events in the 2022 GDS-Index .
Health and wellness continue to be top of mind for all event participants , with Covid-safety and risk mitigation remaining as considerations , Swanson notes . “ We continue to build our networks across Federal , State and City Governments , academia , research institutes , national associations and corporations . This helps our international clients build meaningful connections and partnerships that continue long after the conference has concluded .”
Forward calendar of events MCB ’ s calendar of international and national business events is showing 127 international and national business events confirmed until 2028 . They are set to fill more than 477,000 room nights and contribute more than AUD $ 909m to the local visitor economy .
“ We ’ ve got an exciting mix of events hailing from many sectors to look forward to from 2023 and beyond , including the International Congress of Genetics 2023 ( 3,000 delegates expected ); Lions Clubs International 2024 ( 13,000 delegates ); the
International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ( ICBMB ) 2024 ( 2,500 delegates ); World Scholar ’ s Cup Global Round 2025 ( 2,500 delegates ); 20th IUPHARD World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 2026 and the International Congress of Psychology ( 5,000 delegates ) to name a few ,” says Swanson .
“ In addition to the ‘ mega May ’ in 2023 , we have the World Congress of Optometry 2023 ; International Conference on Software Engineering ( ICSE ); XX ISA World Congress of Sociology ; and General Assembly and Congress of the International Union of Crystallography ( IUCr ),” she adds . Melbourne is home to three knowledge precincts . The Biomedical Precinct , South East Melbourne Innovation Precinct , and the Northern Precinct collectively house some of the world ’ s leading research institutes . Organisers are able to tap into some of the world ' s best minds for developing new solutions and delivering real change .
Knowledge is undeniably a powerful currency in contemporary economies and in securing business events for Australia . Melbourne ’ s Knowledge Partnership Programme has continued to grow , adding a range of extraordinary organisations and elite thinkers ( including Doherty Institute , AusBiotech , Burnet Institute , Bio21 Institute , Swinburne University of Technology , RMIT University , Melbourne Connect , Melbourne Centre for Cities and Walter Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research ).
New openings Business events could be spoilt for choice with a range of new openings in 2023 including the tallest hotel in Australia , the Ritz Carlton , and Rydges Melbourne that will open after undergoing a multi-million dollar refurbishment .
Melbourne has also welcomed 80 ’ s Memphis Nostalgia with Laneways
By Ovolo making its debut as an evolution of the much loved Ovolo Laneways .
Foodies take note – Melbourne ’ s culinary scene is exploding with new offerings . Victoria by Farmer ’ s Daughters celebrates the produce , people and places of the state of Victoria and Parcs where sustainable dining is informed by fermentation , are worth checking out .
The Queen Victoria Market which is always popular with incentive groups and visitors has launched The Purpose Precinct – a showcase of Victorian social enterprise products and services .
Another highlight is the $ 34m , yet to be named Collection that will be developed by TFE Hotels , in partnership with Capital Alliance . Event planners take note of its 1,000-capacity event conference centre . Located on a sky bridge that connects the two accommodation towers , delegates will be able to enjoy spectacular 360-degree views of the city . The hotel will also feature the largest rooftop infinity pool in Australia .
Melbourne Docklands Dual Hotel Development - A by Adina and Collection by TFE
Then there is AIME 2023 - The Asia Pacific Incentives and Meetings Event promises to come back big for its 30th anniversary edition ( see main CMW magazine preview , page 17 ) at the MCEC , 13 – 15 February .