Since a long time, there is a stereotype of the adolescent; this consist in the typical teenager that is complaining about he/she life, but is it true? If we see the average teenager we can see that he/she does not have a difficult life, literally has no economic charge because his/her parents pay everything that they have, and also give some money per week.
If you go to a teenager forum you can find a heap of them saying that hate their life, that they parents do not understand them, that they want to kill themselves, for example you can find they in pages like Tumblr, and if we see they only say that because them parents do no let them to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, also they cannot go to a party or their parents sized they cellphones or console of videogames. So, in a economical part we can conclude that a normal teenager does not have responsibilities.
If we see in a social area, teens actually suffer because they have many changes in their social life, they are building and destroying many relationships, so they pass through emotional changes, in this way the teenagers their personality, their likes, and their ways to see the life, for those reasons they suffer an abuse in the school or in their house, this is going to be reflected in their way to act and even more if they have been in a traumatic experiences.
Although teenagers depend economically on the parents, they are worried about their future, and what are going to do the rest of their life, in which work are going to expend the rest of their time, if they really want a family. So, be a teenager is not to easy how the people think about it, and is more difficult if they life in a bad situation because they have more responsibilities, also bad influences support illegal activities and is reinforced if is near a bad example to follow.
In conclusion if we see a normal adolescent he/she cannot have many responsibilities, only problems in a social ambit, even though this is very dangerous because if a teenager is surrounded bad influences is going to take bad habits, like consume drugs and alcohol, for that reason they have to be clear in the decision that does not affect badly in the future.
By: Alejandro Farelo Duarte, 9D