CondoNewBuild | Page 14

“In life, we must be open to new things and not be close-minded to where life leads us, because we never know what the future will bring.” At a young age, I dreamed of becoming an architect. I loved the idea of creating unique buildings and designs, but after much research, I found out that one of the skills that is an asset in architecture is the ability to draw. That was a sad realization as I’m no Bob Ross and my sketches are usually accompa- nied with arrows and text to describe what people are looking at. With my architecture dreams crushed, I looked towards other interests and contem- plated becoming a teacher. I often found myself helping others understand what the teacher was trying to explain and I enjoyed helping. Life has a funny way of guiding us in the right direction. My last year of school, I was offered work in an elementary class as an aid, and I thought it would be a great opportuni- ty to get real life work experience in the field that I wanted to pursue. Well let me tell you, I had an eye opening experience of what it takes to be a teacher! After spending a few hours with rowdy kids, I quickly realized that teaching wasn’t for me. So what does a boy that can’t draw or deal with hyper kids do for a living? Today, I find myself sitting at a desk overseeing brands that teach readers and viewers how to better their homes and lives with some helpful advice. If you would have told that sixteen year old boy that he would be working as an editor-in-chief and talk show host, he proba- bly wouldn’t have believed you! In life, we must be open to new things and not be close-minded to where life leads us, because we never know what the future will bring. As you are designing your home or condo, remember to look past preconceived notions as to what the project should look like and think outside the box. You never know, life may surprise you and bring you a better end result than you could have ever imagined. MARC ATIYOLIL Editor-in-Chief [email protected] 5 WAYS TO CONNECT! @hometrendsmag @marcandmandyshow @hometrendsmag @marcandmandy