CONCRETE ROSE MAGAZINE Volume 1. Spring 2014 | Page 32

Looking Towards The Horizon Nick’s projects are inspired by his natUnlike the contemporary ural curiosity and Who, Nicholas Semkiw embodies business ventures creating insightfulness and the true spirit of ingenuity and lackluster markets, Sing not primarily based entrepreneurship. On a daily basis, Who, his most recent and on financial gain. “It’s we all experience inklings of em- prominent project, pro- not necessarily to be bodying interesting ideas, but with vides a social platform for successful, it’s just to Nick’s seemingly natural rising musicians to connect learn new things and Founder and CEO of Sing Entrepreneurial with industry profes- experience new things Instinct and strong sionals, interact with as I keep going… It’s work ethic, fans, and potentially wanting to know a good idea for collaborate with other what’s beyond the him translates musicians. Nick has horizon.” into a a distinct philosophy success story. that materializes into ingenious projects, which illustrates his distinct creativity. His unique outlook paints a refreshingly affable portrait of the world of marketing and business. lucky, encountered unique renditions of the songs we sought. Many of which were performed in the During his interview comfort of the singers’ homes. Nick’s shrewd discernment allowed him to discover an entire com- with Concrete Rose mag- munity that was, in many ways, very displaced. “I was a big fan of going on YouTube and looking at azine, The audience be- unsigned talent.” Sing Who actively encourages the community to participate in what they are pas- comes cognizant of Nick’s sionate about. From hosting contests that reward talent, providing a tool for promotion and collabo- unique style and the influ- ration, to working with the city’s educational system to ascertain new ways to engage young individ- ences behind his motiva- uals. tion. We have all perused the world of YouTube in search of songs we fancied and, if we were