CONCRETE ROSE MAGAZINE Volume 1. Spring 2014 | Page 24
The New Voices for Faces Forgotten
Through Time
The multi-talented Laronz Murray illustrates a uniquely captivating expression that
instantly grasps his audiences’ attention. In his interview with Concrete Rose Magazine,
Laronz describes his preliminary debut as a singer, which led to song writing, poetry, and
eventually painting. He describes his evolution, grounded in writing, as it spreads from his
desire to incorporate a plethora of inspirational sources into his artistry
Approximately three and a half years ago, soon after the birth of his son, Laronz’s
ambition transitioned his creative process from composing poetry inspired by other paintings to producing original pieces. One of the most amazing aspects of his evolution as an
artist is that he does not simply replace one form of expression for another but instead incorporates and maintains these diverse mediums within each other.
His progressively ambitious sentiment motivates his creativity. Laronz demonstrates
a profound artistic sensibility uncovering a nexus of intense emotional, cultural, and historical significance. He describes composing his truth through his art as “Recognizing the
greatness we have in ourselves, in basically whatever we do, if you’re painting or whatever
you’re doing, embrace that, take it to the next level, as much as you can.”
Continued on Page 26- 27