Conception Nation Handbook V.1 | Page 12


-Meetings are held at least once every two weeks, no specific days. Meetings will be more likely to be held in the mid afternoon.

-HR Meetings: Only for HR's, only High Ranks allowed into the meeting place.

-LR and MR Meetings: Low Ranks and Middle Ranks allowed and 2 high ranks that will be hand slected to come along, and help run the meeting.

-Group Meetings: Anyone can come to the meeting place, but once the place is full, you'll have to wait for the second timed meeting. That is if the place is full on the first meeting time.

-There will be two meeting times. If you do not attend one, you can attend the other, it will talk about everything the same so that at the most, 60 members would get the information and pass down the information.