MULTI-RAID: A multi-raid is where there are 3-5 different raids. Almost like points. If you are doing 3 raids, then you do 3 separate raids. How this works is if one team wins the last and final raid, they take all. So one side could win 2 out of the 3 raids, but if the opposing team wins the 3rd raid, they take all. Meaning they win the raid. The flag must be held for 7 minutes per raid.
+You can have them on separate days so that if you are busy, you can work around with your schedule.
+You can visit different raiding places
-It may be harder if some people can't transfer some places
REGULAR RAID: A regular raid is one raid, with the same number of players for each side. The classic/Regular raid is basically just capturing the flags or capture check points and holding it for a certain time. It's like multi, except it's one and you have to hold the base for a longer time. The flag must be held for 20 minutes.
+More people know how to play this, and it can be quite easier for others to learn how to raid.
-Time has to be given up. You can't "pause" the raid. It has to be one long time.