"Con Alma de Blues Magazine" Nº7 English Edition Con Alma de Blues Magazine Nº7 /English Edition | Page 16
acknowledge where you got your gift. Listen to my song
“The Boy Who Stole The Blues.” The secret of Blues Life?
Understanding that Blues is alive. And there is a Blues
Muse. And most important learn to listen. Many folks hear
but really don’t listen. Follow your intuition and don’t ego
trip. It ain’t about all the women u gonna have or all the
dough you gonna make. U ain’t the star.....Blues is. Re-
member that
.GZ: Thanks a lot for your kindness. To end the inter-
view do you have any advice to those who are making
the first steps in music?
The first step in music is to learn your craft. U do that by
practicing and practicing and practicing. And when you
young with no kids or need for a job you can do that.
And listen to the best, be it Blues or classical or rock. In
the end, as they say, you will get out of it what you put in
to it. And if it is Blues you hope to do read books about
the black experience. The struggles of the black folks...the
Blues People. Blues is the ONLY music, (unlike any other
music) that was born through hard times and dark times
No music was born this way. From slavery, rape, Jim Crow
and chain gangs. This is the real Blues Trial. Why is this
important if you are black and even more so if you are
white? Because if you don’t live it how you gonna feel it?
Only through (empathy). I say black too, because lots of
them don’t know the black experience. Blues, born in the
South of the USA and Blues born in the South in the USA
and distributed by itinerant uneducated black men and
women has gone around the world. Think about it Blues
is America’s folk music and now it is everywhere. Every
country has folk music but Blue is the only folk music that
has gone around the world. Most folk music stays in the