"Con Alma de Blues Magazine" Nº7 English Edition Con Alma de Blues Magazine Nº7 /English Edition | Page 13
Mighty Mo Rodgers & Baba Sissoko
real. That's why I produce all my music. They can't
tell me what I can't sing or what to sing...because
they ain't paying for it. And trust me they have tried.
Blues is Truth and anything less is just N.O.I.S.E.
GZ: What’s your opinion of the actual Blues? Is
it faithful to the roots? Or do you think it’s chan-
ging and it’s ok?
Blues is constantly changing to out run the slave
catcher of commodification. U can't buy Blues you
can only buy "the blues" that's a thing. Blues is an
existential born from the very beingness of the Blues
People...as a saving grace...from slavery. Singing
about "cotton fields" is really silly if you have never
picked cotton. Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and Ro-
bert Johnson and others from the (first generation)
Bluesmen are gone and to attempt to sound like
them is foolish and is not real. Nu Blues today is hip
hop. But even that is about gone because it is mostly
a commodity now controlled by corporations. Very
soon, like a snake that sheds its skin, Blues will exit
hip hop...leaving it as an empty… soulless thing. The
life of hip hop is in its Blues component. Most of the
rich hip hop artist ain't got a cue to this...but they
will see very soon. You see Blues constantly reinvents
itself to out run the merchants of Wall St....who turn
everything into a commodity for sale. Some things
ain't for sale; some things can't be bought and
sold like the Blues People were. Blues is their armor
against all that. Such is Blues...the Holy Howl.