Computer Software | Page 6

3.1 . Types of software

� Software definition and types of software ;
� System software ;
� Application software ;
� A software license .
3.1 . Types of software
1 . Lead-in activity : What is a computer software ? Work in small groups make a list of all the computer software you use in your work or study and discuss these questions :
� What difference is there between applications software and operating systems ? � What is software license ? What difference is there between Commercial software and Open-source software
( OSS )?
2 . Read this text to check your answer and to find the answers to these questions :
Computing software definition : Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices . This includes application software such as a word processor , which enables a user to perform a task , and system software such as an operating system , which enables other software to run properly , by interfacing with hardware and with other software . Based on the goal , computer software can be divided into : � System software offers a protective shield to all software applications . It also provides support to the physical components of computers . System software coordinates all external devices of computer system . System software includes : � Operating systems , which are essential collections of software that manage resources and provides common services for other software that runs " on top " of them ; � Utility software : Also known as service programs . When utilities become popular they are usually incorporated into the operating system ; � Device drivers , which operate or control a particular type of device that is attached to a computer ; � Communication software : in a network environment communication software enables transfer of data and program from one computer to another .
� Application software includes end-user applications of computers such as word processors or Video games , and ERP software for groups of users . Applications are usually independent programs from the operating system , though they are often tailored for specific platforms . Some commonly known application software : � Graphics software : graphics software enables us to use computer system for creating , editing , viewing , sorting , retrieving and printing of images ; � Entertainment software : entertainment software allows a computer to be used as an entertainment tool . � Malicious software or malware , which is software that is developed to harm and disrupt computers . Malware is closely associated with computer-related crimes .
A software license is a legal instrument ( usually by way of contract law , with or without printed material ) governing the use or redistribution of software . A typical software license grants the licensee , typically an end-user , permission to use one or more copies of software . Most distributed software can be categorized according to their license types . Two common categories for software under copyright law , and therefore with licenses which grant the licensee specific rights , are proprietary software and free and open source software ( FOSS ).
As both hardware and software complementary to each other . By the installation of software in computer hardware the user can access the computer components and can do the desired jobs .