Computer Software | Page 12

3.3 . Graphical user interface ( GUI ).

� User interface .
� Tools , folder , WIMP , Multitasking .
� OS : Windows 10 , Mac .
3.3 . Graphical user interface ( GUI ). 1 . Lead-in activity : Reading : Graphical user interface ( GUI ).
The term user interface refers to the standard procedures that the user follows in order to interact with a computer . They were designed with one clear aim : to facilitate interaction with the computer . In the late 1970s and early 80s , the way users accessed computer systems was very complex . They had to memorize and type a lot of commands just to see the contents of a disk , to copy files or to respond to a single prompt ( DOC ). In fact , it was only experts who used computers , so there was no need for a user-friendly interface . In 1981 the Xerox 8010 Star Information System showed the first GUI-centric computer operating model . In 1984 , Apple produced the Macintosh , the first computer with a mouse and a graphical user interface ( GUI ). A few years later , Microsoft launched Windows , another operating system based on graphics and intuitive tools . Nowadays , computers are used by all kinds of people , and as a result there is a growing emphasis on accessibility and userfriendly systems . A GUI uses a combination of technologies and devices to provide a platform that the user can interact with , for the tasks of gathering and producing information .
The most common combination of such elements in GUIs is the WIMP (" window , icon , menu , pointing device ") paradigm , especially in personal computers . The WIMP style of interaction uses a virtual input device to control the position of a pointer , most often a mouse , and presents information organized in windows and represented with icons . Available commands are compiled together in menus , and actions are performed making gestures with the pointing device . A window manager facilitates the interactions between windows , applications , and the windowing system . The background of the screen is called the desktop , which contains labelled pictures called icons . These icons represent files or folders . Double-clicking a folder opens a window which contains programs , documents , or more nested folders . When you are in a folder , you can launch a program or document by double-clicking the icon , or you can drag it to another location . When you run a program , your PC opens a window that lets you work with different tools . All the programs have a high level of consistency , with similar toolbars , menu bars , buttons and dialog boxes . A modern OS also provides access to networks and allows multitasking , which means you can run several programs - and do various tasks - at the same time .
A visual language has evolved as GUI has become commonplace in both operating systems ( OS ) and software applications . Even those with few computer skills can now , through the use of GUI , learn how to use computer applications for word processing , finances , inventory , design , artwork or hobbies .
2 . Translate these terms and expressions into your own language . Use a dictionary or the Internet to help you
• user interface _______________________________________
• procedures _________________________________________
• commands ________________________________________
• tools _______________________________________________
• desktop _________________________________________
• nested folders ______________________________________
• launch a program ___________________________________
• multitasking ________________________________________